flow vectors

the flow vectors

By Henryk Szubinski

the left &/or right sides of the process curvature =parallelogramic type linkages to the process of surface area waveforms in their exchanges as the force that maintins every spherical body in the universe as the ability to fly like a falcon type vechicle by using its wings

alternbating the formats of a process complexity as the process of spherical value data in the continuiim of non flatness of the hemispherical fullness of the force in its flow basic vector curvature as well as the type MIDI response of a cellular format without the destined spinal values of the  format complications of the full sherical force field of the universe in its process parameters by FLOW.

Han Solo KING,buying friends ,and enemies, type Ritchard LIONHEARTED key to obediance and dissobedience the scoundrell adventurer

the Velvet relations to Starwars

By Henryk Szubinski


as part of the medal of honour that Han Solo aquired

the Han Solo series are shown in relation to the types of series that illustrate the type Regal or Royal look which will give insight into the access of the character of Han Solo.RElationally , the character is the interval of the Pliability by the Velvet type West as well as the general look of the Military General:

without showing off his medals a basic velvet vest suits the requirements of every situation in the type of smugglers look , never suspected in its basic process to show that value has a greater prize by a low profile:

surviving every situation : devourement is not a problem

the way into the LUKE Skywalker story as the royalty of the princess >Leia in which the type publications availabe in the define journals of type newspapers and stories that can show the way into the Han Solo  and Leia link

the duke

the smuggler

” a point in the great sea of the galaxy as a place to make the value force ahead of the value LUCK of the general process of the types of definitions for the non break with villains even thogh they are the same

the more scoundrels there are; the greater is Han Solos need for only one, himself

THE process of the vector values in their general make to break of the rules

that define the LINKUP process formats of the types of vector data on compliance

the master of the kessell run in under 9 parsecs

with the types of relatedness to surrvive the states of understanding between the types of beings in the STARWARS universe:

the levels in their breakdown to never worry , the force is with the Han solo in his states of multiple situations in 1 GO

The basics on relliance of special ability based on state of the arts understanding of the force that makes the type of IGNORANCE of the ultimate fate of the universe as the seeker of knowledge in the self realisations that the process to the stage is a easy route through spacetime, with the faser gun

buying enemies and their total bought resources of befriending  as prior to the exopsed trick being used is part of Mois Eisley and where one would find Han Solo

actually only used a few times and only when in need like saveing only himself , its part of the g extra spacial vechicle in itself.

definitions there for the basics of the general compliance of the zones and their rules into what is basically the run

does not have to run unless he has to

and If he can save money he would risk being frozen in carbonite because the only law that defines his end is the type of deal he can make with his own future:

for the full zone descriptive in the process to know how to make the continuiim , the basis of the larger and longer stamina for the FIND the LAdy and Keep on trying as the basic nr 1 for the advanced types of easy combat and the processess that keep this master of tricks ,the one and perhaps the only character that has a fallen state response to his own character with the types of data in speciality for the  vector mapper and route knower in the process to know the role in the basis of the only one to realise what there is to make money on:

to the full run formats of the universal type peacefull warrior on the general data basis in every high value responsive of the full  process run to indicate and include evcery format of the Resistance

in its process to be directed in film by the type missing link in the contextuality of the types of full surround on the parameters of planetary types

and their levels of their geography as indicated for a plus value on the stats used in the process of the general full zone value G number type relations of a universe and the types of high number chance survival rates in their  process FULL value Link ups on the general responses in a special reszponsive ability

Emotional intelligence (EI) describes the ability, capacity, skill or, in the case of the trait EI model, a self-perceived grand ability to identify, assess, manage and control the emotions of one’s self, of others, and of groups.[1] Different models have been proposed for the definition of EI and disagreement exists as to how the term should be used.[2] Despite these disagreements, which are often highly technical, the ability EI and trait EI models (but not the mixed models) enjoy support in the literature and have successful applications in different domains.

the definition of what there is to find on planets that are the locations of general types of their resistance to the LAW of the galaxy as weell as the law of the full spread on the types of routes taken to LINK by Smuggler routes which only Han Solo knows fully as the types of great expanses of vector route at such a low level that buying the route guarantees are based on delayng  what any hero would befriend as the levels of galactic republican credits and their destined non destined types..

The earliest roots of emotional intelligence can be traced to Darwin‘s work on the importance of emotional expression for survival and second adaptation.[3] In the 1900s, even though traditional definitions of intelligence emphasized cognitive aspects such as memory and problem-solving, several influential researchers in the intelligence field of study had begun to recognize the importance of the non-cognitive aspects. For instance, as early as 1920, E.L. Thorndike used the term social intelligence to describe the skill of understanding and managing other people.[4]

Similarly, in 1940 David Wechsler described the influence of non-intellective factors on intelligent behavior, and further argued that our models of intelligence would not be complete until we can adequately describe these factors.[3] In 1983, Howard Gardner‘s Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences[5] introduced the idea of multiple intelligences which included both Interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people) and Intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one’s feelings, fears and motivations). In Gardner’s view, traditional types of intelligence, such as IQ, fail to fully explain cognitive ability.[6] Thus, even though the names given to the concept varied, there was a common belief that traditional definitions of intelligence are lacking in ability to fully explain performance outcomes.

as the process in a non flattened or flattened process in which the special ability of responsive self defence is actively used and responsive to the process of the accomlished gentleman of the past and its tricks in the guarantee of the future of the one CHEATER of DEATH.

the Han Solo link


Velvet is a type of woven tufted fabric in which the cut threads are very evenly distributed, with a short dense pile, giving it a distinct feel.

Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, is a fictional smuggler and “reckless mercenary”[1] in the Star Wars franchise. Introduced in the film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977), Solo and his Wookiee first mateChewbacca (Peter Mayhew), become involved in the Rebel Alliance against the authoritarian Galactic Empire. Over the course of the Star Wars franchise, Solo becomes a chief figure in the Alliance and succeeding galactic governments. Star Wars creator George Lucas described Solo as “a loner who realizes the importance of being part of a group and helping for the common good.”[2]

Han Solo remains one of cinema’s most revered movie characters. The American Film Institute ranked Solo as the 14th greatest film hero.[3] He was also deemed the 4th greatest movie character of all-time by Empire magazine.[4] Entertainment Weekly ranked the character 7th on their list of The All-Time Coolest Heroes in Pop Culture.[5] On their list of the 100 Greatest Fictional Characters, Fandomania.com ranked Solo at number 15.[6]

some of the categories into which the daring of death avoidance are spoken of by Palpatine when he talks to luke about his accomplice in the Dark side ,but stressing the truth of the difficulty to avoid death.

the sound they are listening to in the background is the MIDI clorians and the sound is the sound of turning which is continually on the light side of the force which only Han Solo has mastered without trying..

the basic truth is that love survives

the thing that drives Han Solo is the sounds of his millenium flacon, the sound that its broken somewehere and that this sound is how he communicates:

This difficulty is seen easily with OBI WAN KENOBI as he gives into the light side of the force

File:Black Cotton velvet.JPG


as a HAN SOLO .

the newspaper , the military times

Velvet can be made from many different kinds of fibers. It is woven on a special loom that weaves two pieces of velvet at the same time. The two pieces are then cut apart and the two lengths of fabric are wound on separate take-up rolls. Velvet was expensive to make before industrial power looms became available. It is thus considered a luxury good, and associated with high status.

Velvet is difficult to clean due to its pile, but modern dry cleaning methods perform well.

Velvet pile is created by warp or vertical yarns and velveteen pile is created by weft or fill yarns.

Velvet is made, ideally, from silkCotton can also be used, though this often results in a slightly less luxurious fabric. More recently, synthetic velvets have been developed, mostly polyesternylon,viscoseacetate, and mixtures of different synthetics, or synthetics and natural fibers (e.g., viscose and silk). Velvet can also be made from fibers such as linenmohair, and wool. A cloth made by the Kuba people of the Democratic Republic of Congo from raffia is often referred to as “Kuba velvet”.

A small percentage of lycra is used sometimes to give stretch.

Army Times Publishing Company is a United States company which publishes newspapers, magazines, Web sites, and other publications about the U.S. and other militaries. Founded in 1940, it was purchased by the Gannett Company in August 1997. It publishes four weekly newspapers aimed at current and former U.S. military personnel, collectively called the Military Times Media Group:Army Times (founded 1940), Navy Times (founded 1951), Air Force Times (founded 1947), and Marine Corps Times. Its Defense News Media Group publishes Defense News (founded 1986), Armed Forces Journal (founded in 1863), Training & Simulation Journal and C4ISR – The Journal of Net-Centric Warfare. The company also publishes Federal Times.

military universe newspaper

The Familias Regnant is the name of the government of an area of the galaxy in the distant future from the Serrano series of books written by Elizabeth Moon. In the early books of the Serrano Legacy, the government is headed by a monarchy. As the story progresses, the abdication of the King after the Cloning Scandal caused the Council (equivalent of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom) to appoint an elected official to govern.

The Alliance-Union universe is a fictional universe created by science fiction and fantasy author C. J. Cherryh. It is the setting for an epic future history series extending from the 21st century out into the far future.

To date, the corpus of the Alliance-Union universe consists of 27 science fiction novels along with a series of seven short story anthologies edited by Cherryh and a few other miscellaneous works.

It encompasses both books for which Cherryh won the Hugo Award for Best NovelDownbelow Station and Cyteen, and also incorporates various other series books such as the Faded Sun trilogy, the Chanur novels, the four Morgaine books, and the Merovingen Nights shared world series

File:Star Wars Logo.svg

File:SW binary sunset.png

Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise conceived by George Lucas. The first film in the franchise was originally released on May 25, 1977, by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, spawning two sequels, released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy’s final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released, again released at three-year intervals, with the final film released on May 19, 2005.

As of 2008, the overall box office revenue generated by the six Star Wars films has totalled approximately $5.51 billion,[1] making it the third-highest-grossing film series,[2] behind only the James Bond and Harry Potter films.

The Star Wars film series has spawned other media including bookstelevision seriesvideo games, and comic books. These supplements to the film trilogies comprise the Star Wars Expanded Universe, and have resulted in significant development of the series’ fictional universe. These media kept the franchise going in the interim between the film trilogies. In 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released to theaters as the first ever worldwide theatrical Star Wars film outside of the main trilogies. It was the franchise’s first animated film, and was intended as an introduction to the Expanded Universe series of the same name, a 3D CGI animated series based on a previous 2D animated series of a similar name.

File:George Lucas.jpg

IDA cleaner

mutual cooperations in evolution

By Henryk Szubinski

it is possible that IDa was a mutual cleaner for the primates in their progressive non intelligent usage of the spinal chord or the basic central nervous system by using their grappling speciality to hold onto the womb formats on the exterior of lower primates and using the tail to clean the spinal forces between them as the type of usage of intelligence.

It could also be that the IDA type was in such great numbers that its reproduction was overpopulating the places where the intelligent step of primate evolution took its decisive moove to design their habitats by the usage of tools to drill through objects so that the IDA type small scavenger was tied to or captive like a household pet, in which case the domeestications of animals started by the concept of using the tool against the decrepid formats of scavenging in a type of mutual domestication in the end fases of human evolution.

Charles Darwin‘s theory of how evolution works (“By Means of Natural Selection[9]) is explicitly competitive (“survival of the fittest“), Malthusian (“struggle for existence”), even gladiatorial (“nature, red in tooth and claw“). Species are pitted against species for shared resources, similar species with similar needs and niches even more so, and individuals within species most of all.[10] All this comes down to one factor: out-competing all rivals and predators in producing progeny.

Darwin’s explanation of how preferential survival of the slightest benefits can lead to advanced forms is the most important explanatory principle in biology, and extremely powerful in many other fields. Such success has reinforced notions that life is in all respects a war of each against all, where every individual has to look out for himself, that your gain is my loss.

In such a struggle for existence altruism (voluntarily yielding a benefit to a non-relative) and even cooperation (working with another for a mutual benefit) seem so antithetical to self-interest as to be the very kind of behavior that should be selected against. Yet cooperation and seemingly even altruism have evolved and persist, and naturalists have been hard pressed to explain why.

The Evolution of Cooperation generally refers to:

This article is an introduction to how game theory and computer modeling are illuminating certain aspects of moral and political philosophy, particularly the role of individuals in groups, the “biology of selfishness and altruism[2], and how cooperation can be evolutionarily advantageous.

fallen vectors in spacetime reentry and vechicular control

fallen states of barriers in process of aquired vectorisations into space

By Henryk Szubinski

process similarity by the formats of:

high value format cube geometry with multiple surfaces= process in transfarrance of the value S.A as a format for the basis of vectors in which the basics of multiple state geometry has the same value as the formats for friction by opposed S.A so that the basics of Area extensions away from the basis S.A multiple x

=the response to friction (h)

of the extended value multiple levels of similar Areas by type non EVEN radials = basic S.A and their height values.

As defines the process of a value rotation in such functions that are the designations of the 3 rd space height levels and their type extend to define the basis of a spherical possibility of stabilised eextensions of the Areas into a type 1 as the guidance process to define steering in the basics of controll to the left or right vector angles by the basics of additional S.A formats in their leveled height similarity.

As defines the vector values

h = S x vector

=  the basis of the process aquired for the continuiim of the gneneral spacetime surface complexity, the basics of the motion

of the whole format can use type resistances that are neutralised by type S.A x multiples in types of Impulse moment usage.

Vector components

Illustration of tangential and normal components of a vector to a surface.

component of a vector is the influence of that vector in a given direction. [7] Components are themselves vectors.

A vector is often described by a fixed number of components that sum up into this vector uniquely and totally. When used in this role, the choice of their constituting directions is dependent upon the particular coordinate system being used, such as Cartesian coordinatesspherical coordinates or polar coordinates. For example, an axial component of a vector is a component whose direction is determined by a projection onto one of the Cartesian coordinate axes, whereas radial and tangential components relate to the radius of rotation of an object as their direction of reference. The former isparallel to the radius and the latter is orthogonal to it.[8] Both remain orthogonal to the axis of rotation at all times. (In two dimensions this requirement becomes redundant as the axis degenerates to a point of rotation.) The choice of a coordinate system doesn’t affect properties of a vector or its behaviour under transformations.

the process of Areas and their levels as the basics of multiple UNIVERSAL processess where the basics of the mutual alternations of h and Surfaces as the type spacetime levels where the basic drop down

on the basis of this , the whole field of areas and their eextensions will define the spacetime warping by the similarity of 3 a —-to—-3b values and their curvature = sphericality

where the basic

vectors are considered in place of the surface areas and their exchanges so that the process is basically VECTORIAL

Scalar multiplication

Scalar multiplication of a vector by a factor of 3 stretches the vector out.

The scalar multiplications 2a and −a of a vectora

A vector may also be multiplied, or re-scaled, by a real number r. In the context of conventional vector algebra, these real numbers are often calledscalars (from scale) to distinguish them from vectors. The operation of multiplying a vector by a scalar is called scalar multiplication. The resulting vector is

r\mathbf{a}=(ra_1)\mathbf{e_1} +(ra_2)\mathbf{e_2} +(ra_3)\mathbf{e_3}.

Intuitively, multiplying by a scalar r stretches a vector out by a factor of r. Geometrically, this can be visualized (at least in the case when r is an integer) as placing r copies of the vector in a line where the endpoint of one vector is the initial point of the next vector.

If r is negative, then the vector changes direction: it flips around by an angle of 180°. Two examples (r = −1 and r = 2) are given below:

Scalar multiplication is distributive over vector addition in the following sense: r(ab) = rarb for all vectors a and b and all scalars r. One can also show that a − ba + (−1)b.

2a to 2b jump is a type warp of spacetime

File:Vector AB from A to B.svg

seen from the side as the alterations and exchanges of  spacetime that is not as yet affected by gravity events that cause warping . Theese unaffected spacetimes are the basic types of stabilisations by levels of extensions and contractions giving the galaxy a fresh supply of vector type pumping without any warp alterations of complexity such as described by Einstein.

into lower levels will define the functions of the lost data surface area vector as the controll simultaneous vector controll.