instant recognition universe theory

the vector parameters of the universe

By Henryk Szubinski

on such large parameter basis as the universe ,taking a intelligent moove that would either seperate the progressive type 1,2,3 argumants for a continuiim at higher velocities than the speed of light would be basic to the type informations accessed with the simultaneous alterations of a universal field so large that the multiple stage decisions process would be inclusive of its inhabitants simply because it can define its own progress through spacetime as to define the most probable end of its own process in vectorisations that would giude all alterante forms of life, intelligence, human impulses, technology, star systems , galaxies and the basic make up of the millenium run into the format that takes the process into a adaptive type of decision making by the alterations of displacement in velocity by the vector directions closest to its own approximations of what vector direction angle is most possible in the force that defines the vector we ourselves are from as the process to which the same is defined as representing the universes prime position as the general LINK between theese parameters.

accelleration beyond the bounds that identify the structures in their most basic form will also define the externality of the type of system into which vectorisations are defined by the functions of identifing the need for structure that would combine a dark matter ring into a worm hole or its counterpart the universe as what represents a balanced parameter with the dark matter ring displaceing by assistance of motion supports in the type tugg effect on most of the galaxies in our system the local galactic hop.

org definition

Definition av .org on the net in English

blind spot universe

blind spot  warping

multiple universe force

By Henryk Szubinski

Europeiska flaggan

4 freedooms

the 5th framework The freedoom of knowledge moovement


the 7th framework




THE SCOPICS must be excluding a blind spot in very large parameters of making observational studies of the night sky as a remote format in its receptors as being in the interval zone to relay the image in its full value

JUST LIKE A MOUNTAIN ON EARTH CASTS A SHADOW IN RELATIONS TO A TELESCOPE SO TO DOES THE FORMATS OF MOUNTAINS CAST SHADOWS ON MARS: so there is a large amount of spacetime that is undefined. Making the process easier to observe is just what the type nano connection will help scientists to understand.


process advancive formats for response = 1 singular data on transferrance of the buffer zone = 4 R

as the formats to define the multiple vector values in their data =as the multiple vector value = S

as well as the process to use the defined values of the vector process in multiple possibilities = to the type 1,2,3, G value numbers in their formats for advanced spacetravle law

1 ) the formats of their related processess as defined on vectorisations + G usage

= the fuyll process vectorisations on the planar area parameters of the spacetime MARS

by the formats of a over sight on the basis of the alternate type responses to a reversal of the process = similarity of a 2 x multiple duration of the Mars orbit = to the formats of multiple response values in their h = type boosters and their resistance values of a parameter multi G universe type 1.

type oversight = self defined process on data as real as the prime value contact = context of any relational data by the referenced  usage made with the body format vaalues in any SHAPE.

formats to use to describe the shape = FORM of a type Platon argumanation for the referenced usage of the process reversals by knowledgable resultance values = to the process of their designated value stream on the process of multiple occilatory relations of a value in  slow or rapid degerations type = decrepitude of the formats = 3 based comparatives with their 3 system references to a value = the accessed value parameters of process value comparatives with

3 comparatives made with system 5

as the formatting of the basis in their referenced external positionality as based on displacements and vectors in 2 fases from a internal orientation:

1) internal S ——————————————————3 comparative externals

2)system R——————————————————–5 system value

this then can be used on the basis of a complete formulation:

1) internal S ( 5 system value ) / 2) system R = 3 comparative externals ( x )

where the x value = Force of multiple universal size of implied usage

for a basic high value usage the x F = 4/3

or the 3 /4  = F.x

buffer amplifier (sometimes simply called a buffer) is one that provides electrical impedance transformation from one circuit to another. Two main types of buffer exist: the voltage buffer and thecurrent buffer.

the type responses govorned by that laws that define their process as vectorised in its warp around a spacetime by extensions of a ganglion receptive field in its stretch outwards into and outof the galactice process of warping by a similarity with the field that defines the certvalue of accertion as the same value contained in that field by the luminoscity of the stars in that field so that

receptor (luminoscity) warp S = field ( amount of stars)/stretching (force in field )

this defines the type 1 H2O similarity of warpable molecules with their nearest ancestor in the evolutional process of type 1 FORCE cells and their receptive INVERTIONS


On center and off center GALACTIC SYSTEMS respond oppositely to light in the center and surround of their receptive fields. A strong response means high frequency DARK MATTER , a weak response is COLD MATTER  at a low frequency, and no response means no action potential is FORCED INTO A FIELD

type 1 Einstein  rings

dark matter ring



tally motors universe total on Force

the full data on the UNIVERSE force

By Henryk Szubinski

most formats of seclusion are based on Philosophy

Philosophy defines the seclusions where the LINKUP to the process of relaxation = retreat

on basis of the personal A.I process IN basis:

the process to define the G value displacements on their multiples of vector directions as such are based on the external data values which by their process full reversals in a sequenced order of events = event horizon of a black hole :

basically a format for singularity as beased on the vector data that is present in the process to relativity on the active fases of their isolated values of interactions by the process of S2 = vector x

as the process to define reversality by the context of the process of the level in which gravity has no effective vector in transitions of the basis = data and its process as the value to alter the multiples of the general 10 level limits and their reversed locatability of a 1 value subtractions from 4 R= the basis of the value 5 S

as implicative of the resultance to a fase interactive level of values:

the basis of the 5 S and its subtractive level – 2 S = 3 S

so that the process 2 S is interdispersed on a anti matter format based on the vector sum of the total levels of the responsive remnance of the  value on a 1 alteration = 2 x ( 1/2 F)

where the general formats of their inclusions and exclusions of the causatives based on the responses of the interactions with alternate hemispheres = 3 R basis which by a reversal quant uncertainty based on the certainty that a singular value was active in the process by a value 2 R = 1/2 .4 S

so that the process on any level 3 alterations with the data presented = the alterations of the level 4 Work as a theorem of its vector displacement through any barrier , as such defining the force field projective ability of a A.I computative function.

Basis of the functions of the tally of the 4 R and 3 S


1)5 S -2S

2)3S tally

on the 4R then

1)4R-1= 5S

2)4R tally

the data on the intercies of 2x or 2 S as well as 2 R will be used to define the 5S = 1/2 F

sum value here is:

addition of the values in their R and S respectively into a equation:

18 S tally=10 R tally

where the tally values are divided amongst the values R and S

S 1(2x)= R 1/2 F

so that the full combinations are:

19 S tally(2x) =10.5  R tally(F)

theese then are the specifics between 2 spaceship warp motors

as a tally simultance with the values S and R will define the multiple positionality of shared values on their Cartesan parameters so that the relations canb be defined DYNAMICALLY

the basics of usage of multiple values in their multi shared possibilities and their interactive values as defined by the theory

19 S tally(2x) =10.5  R tally(F)

meaning any spacetime or positional dimensionality with any x,y,z coordination

The application of multiple coordinate systems is an effective tool in control systems. The usage of multiple coordinate systems can improve the efficiency of calculations as well as enhance clarity in operations.

Mathematically, coordinate systems can be viewed as ordered bases. Consider the scenario where V is a vector space with ordered bases A and B. Let A and B consist of vectors a1 through an andb1 through bn, respectively. Then any vector v contained in V can be expressed as a unique linear combination of vectors in A. In equation form, v = \sum_{i=1}^n x_i a_i where x is a coefficient. This linear combination uses a unique ordered set of coefficients corresponding to vectors in A. Therefore, for a fixed v and A, there is one and only one possible set of xi’s for v = \sum_{i=1}^n x_i a_i. Similarly, v can be expressed as a unique linear combination of vectors in B as well. Thus, there is another unique ordered set of coefficients corresponding to vectors in B to generate v.

If the relationship between the elements in the two ordered bases A and B is known, then the relationship between the two unique ordered set of coefficients to generate v can be found. The equation form of this concept is [u]A = P[uB. In this equation, [u]A represents a column vector composed of the unique ordered set of coefficients to generate v from the elements in A. In other words, [u]A is composed of the xi’s mentioned above. Similarly, [u]B represents a column vector composed of the unique ordered set of coefficients to generate v from the vectors in B.

The matrix P is found from the relationship between the elements in the two ordered bases. Each element of the ordered bases, a1 through an and b1 through bn, is an element of the vector space. Therefore, it is guaranteed that any element in B can be expressed as a unique linear combination of elements in A and the following sets of equations apply:

\begin{array}{lcl} b_1 = x_{11} a_1 + x_{12} a_2 + \cdots + x_{1n} a_n \\ b_2 = x_{21} a_1 + x_{22} a_2 + \cdots + x_{2n} a_n \\ \cdots \\ b_n = x_{n1} a_1 + x_{n2} a_2 + \cdots + x_{nn} a_n \\ \end{array}

data research courtesy of Wikipedia

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cern courier



John Merchant

article from EE times

Page 1 of 2
EE Times

Telepresence, a logical derivative of the telephone, is an emerging technology that can enable a human to perform physical work, or take action, at a remote location. Telepresence could be developed to enable a human on Earth to function in, and experience, a distant space environment such as Mars as effectively, for all practical purposes, as actually going there but without going there. A telepresence mission for the human exploration and development of Mars would then be a valid, and much less expensive, substitute for a manned mission.Mars is the planet most like the Earth. It has an atmosphere and the presence of water, essential for life, has been confirmed. In fact, the many winding valleys and other features over its surface suggest that there might once have been rivers, lakes and oceans on Mars. Is there life on Mars now, or did life ever exist there? Are there valuable ores and minerals on Mars that are in short supply or not present at all on Earth?

Can the cosmic history of Mars tell us anything about the ultimate fate of planet Earth? These are some of the many questions that have led to the call for manned missions to explore and develop the Red Planet. Indeed, at the time of the moon landings, many had hoped that the next step would have been a manned mission to Mars. But that did not happen. Now, 40 years later, the Augustine Commission has concluded that U.S. manned missions to the moon and Mars are not affordable.

The fundamental problem making manned missions prohibitively expensive is that the transportation, sustenance and safe return of living human bodies over the enormous distances and in the implacably hostile environment of space is extremely difficult. Mars has therefore only been explored by what are presently called unmanned robotic missions—an unfortunate terminology. It is unfortunate because the word “robot” is suggestive of an alien being such as R2D2 from Star Wars, while the term “unmanned” seems to imply the absence of a human. The false impression can thereby be created that the exploration is not really human exploration.

From that viewpoint unmanned robotic missions, no matter how sophisticated, can never be regarded as a valid substitute for the manned missions that we are unable to undertake. This confusion, which may distort space policy, can be avoided by the terminology that Mars has been explored by humans on Earth using early-stage telepresence, where telepresence is an emerging technology that can enable a human to do physical work at a distant location, without going there.

Early-stage telepresence is now being used, not only for Mars exploration with rover vehicles, but also for a number of important terrestrial applications. Soldiers are using telepresence with unmanned ground vehicles to remotely find and disable improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan. Airmen are using telepresence with unmanned aerial vehicles to remotely find and attack terrorists on the other side of the world.

Remotely operated vehicles are used to enable humans to work at great depths below the surface of the ocean. A U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved operating room suite from Stanford Research Institute in California enables surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgery remotely by telepresence (telesurgery). Telepresence development is also being actively pursued, particularly by the military. Congress has set a goal that by 2015 one-third of the operational ground combat vehicles are unmanned.

In support of this mandate, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has conducted a Grand Challenge program in which ground vehicles navigate and drive over a 132-mile route with no human driver.

The potential significance of telepresence is that it is a derivative of related technologies, originating in 1876, which transformed human life in the 20th century. The present early-stage telepresence could be developed to shape life even more dramatically in the 21st century, particularly in space.

The invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 made it possible, for the first time, to talk to another person at a distant location without going there. For all practical purposes, talking by telephone is as effective, for talking, as talking directly. Speech is not just a means of social interaction, it is an indispensable component of the world’s work that must be done each day. The telephone made it possible to perfom this vital work component remotely over large distances. The world as we knew it in the 20th century, particularly the world of business, simply could not have existed without that capability.