type 1 ,2,3 civilisations

compilations of data references

By Henryk Szubinski

water is the  history  of its  surface


in the 3 D view of the 3 sides in the data memory 1/2 developements as later 1/2 additional reliance on the background data

The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring an advanced civilization’s level of technological advancement. The scale is only theoretical and in terms of an actual civilization highly speculative; however, it puts energy consumption of an entire civilization in a cosmic perspective. It was first proposed in 1964 by the Soviet Russian astronomer Nikolai Kardashev. The scale has three designated categories

called Type III, and III. These are based on the amount of usable energy a civilization has at its disposal, and the degree of space colonization. In general terms, a Type I civilization has achieved mastery of the resources of its home planet, Type II of its solar system, and Type III of its galaxy.[1] Science fiction also may expand the scale to Type IV, where a civilization has mastery of the resources of its universe, and sometimes Type V, all the universes.

the parallells can be seen in the surfaces that can be seen as webs in  vector directions where the tendancy is to develop multi meshing overlays of the types / // ///

vector directions in a type of glaze of the H2O specifics

Human civilization is currently somewhere below Type I, as it is able to harness only a portion of the energy that is available on Earth. The current state of human civilization has thus been named Type 0. Although intermediate values were not discussed in Kardashev’s original proposal, Carl Sagan argued that they could easily be defined by interpolating and extrapolating the values given above. In 1973, he calculated humanity’s civilization type to be 0.7, in relationship to Kardashev’s model for Types 0 and I.[4]

on the basic surface of the memory bit H2O type 1 water can be generated in any format on its generated surface values

Sagan used the arbitrary formula:

K = \frac{\log_{10}{W}-6} {10}

Value K is a civilization’s Kardashev rating and W is its power output in watts. Sagan used 10 terawatt (TW) as value W, which was considerably higher than present data suggests.[5] Sagan’s overestimation makes little difference in regards to human civilization’s K rating, effecting only a change of 1% in its value (See Table Below). International Energy Agency World Energy

Outlook (2005)[5] and section 7 of Key World Energy Statistics[6] project values for planetary power utilization yielding these corresponding Kardashev scale estimates:

Figure 3: Surface SHG Adsorption Isotherm for Rhodamine 6G (adapted from [14]


the H2O unit and all its data would be multi vectorially analised with tthe types of complex vectors as are in background &/or foreground levels of SEE THROUGH data = to the basic clarity of H2O in its 4 states of matter

File:Water molecule 3D.svg

Water (H2O) is the most abundant compound on Earth’s surface, constituting about 70% of the planet’s surface. In nature it exists in liquid, solid, and gaseous states. It is in dynamic equilibrium between the liquid and gas states at standard temperature and pressure. At room temperature, it is a nearlycolorless with a hint of bluetasteless, and odorless liquid. Many substances dissolve in water and it is commonly referred to as the universal solvent. Because of this, water in nature and in use is rarely pure and some of its properties may vary slightly from those of the pure substance. However, there are many compounds that are essentially, if not completely, insoluble in water. Water is the only common substance found naturally in all three commonstates of matter and it is essential for life on Earth.[3] Water usually makes up 55% to 78% of the human body.[4]

basic thermal registrations as well as the surface refractions, polarisations etc

By the early 60s computer control software had evolved from Monitor control software, e.g., IBSYS, to Executive control software. Computers got “faster” and computer time was still neither “cheap” nor fully used. It made multiprogramming possible and necessary.

Figure 4: Total internal reflection geometry of surface SHG

Multiprogramming means that several programs run “at the same time” (concurrently). At first they ran on a single processor (i.e., uniprocessor) and shared scarce resources. Multiprogramming is also basic form of multiprocessing, a much broader term.

Programs consist of sequence of instruction for processor. A single processor can run only one instruction at a time. Therefore it is impossible to run more programs at the same time. Program might need some resource (input …) which has “big” delay. Program might start some slow operation (output to printer …). This all leads to processor being “idle” (unused). To use processor at all time the execution of such program was halted. At that point, a second (or nth) program was started or restarted. User perceived that programs run “at the same time” (hence the term, concurrent).

programmin the water cube  could be done by the language of basic angles in reference to the horizon of the type levels of clarity on the surface and below it


Shortly thereafter, the notion of a ‘program’ was expanded to the notion of an ‘executing program and its context’. The concept of a process was born.

This became necessary with the invention of re-entrant code.

Threads came somewhat later. However, with the advent of time-sharingcomputer networks; multiple-CPU, shared memory computers; etc., the old “multiprogramming” gave way to true multitasking, multiprocessing and, later, multithreading.

Surface second harmonic generation is a method for probing interfaces in atomic and molecular systems. In second harmonic generation (SHG), the light frequency is doubled, essentially converting two photons of the original beam of energy E into a single photon of energy 2E as it interacts with noncentrosymmetric media. Surface second harmonic generation is a special case of SHG where the second beam is generated because of a break of symmetry caused by an interface. Since symmetry is only disrupted in the first (occasionally second and third) atomic or molecular layer of a system, properties of the second harmonic signal give us information about the first atomic or molecular layers only. Surface SHG is possible even for materials which do not exhibit SHG in the bulk.

molecular modelations would occur at the x,y,z type coordinations at the apex values of the cube to define the alterations of the H2O molecular basis in states of matter fases

File:Fcc p polarized.gif

Figure 2: Polar Crystal Surface SHG Response (arbitrary units)(adapted from [7])

MARS starring in the effect

the steering effect

By Henryk Szubinski

Circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background.

4 freedooms

5th framework The freedoom of knowledge moovement


the 7th framework Chordis

on the way to the moon


the moon and what made it the peacefull resolve of the UNITED STATES AND THE UN RESSOLUTIONS has some similarity to the word by BARRAK OBAMA and the quest for Mars landings with humans


of the process to define the level of the DOORS as the musical group who defined the process on the basis of maintaining the staring at as the survival mechanism of the human body in its DO OR die strategy format coupled to the psychedellic states described by AUDLUS HUXLEY and the 60 revolution was also the active reasons for the Velvet revolution in the late 80 s of the 20 th Century as based on the involvance of the republican Check incidient that led to the PRESCENCE OF A STARRER   individual ahead of the rest by the involvance of a DOCILE MENTAL STATE EXISTANCE = A LAW  the 60 s law that defined peacefull revolutions and their effcted states AS  the aftermath of a probable recovery OF THE DOCILITY DUE TO ITS MEANING AS


= exit law into natural states of experience where sensitivity = sense perception.


THIS IS THE SCIENTIFIC TYPE CONCERTIVE DENAILS PROCESS IN ACTION you can use in personally high risk work on the streets where a quick preventative for  a overpowering attack in the night if you are in less vunrability due to gender:

Mace is a tear gas in the form of an aerosol spray which propels a lachrymatory agent mixed with a volatile solvent. It is sometimes used as a self-defense device. This form of Mace is legal in very few countries, thus its use is becoming uncommon.

The original formulation consisted of 1% CN gas in a solvent of 2-butanolpropylene glycolcyclohexene, and dipropylene glycol methyl ether. Some formulations now also include Oleoresin Capsicum (active ingredient in pepper spray).

Mace was originally manufactured under the name “Chemical Mace” by Lake Erie Chemical (a former division of Smith & Wesson) in 1962, but is now a registeredtrademark of Mace Security International. Most Mace sold today by Mace Security International is pepper spray rather than tear gas, though it is still possible to buy Mace. Many other companies now manufacture similar products.

This defines the MARS polar regions of H2O

the sensitivity of H2O in the process as invaded by the formats of mace spray types of chemical solutes and binders that will degenerate or reverse the fuid state values of H2O into a staged process

1) as the prime value affected by type mace sprays

2)the value mix as a erosive format fluid type degeneration of the surface of planets concerned

3)the resultance to remnance of the seperated and oisolated format in their chemical process end fase volumes in their states as the highest probebl mix of substances as is possible due to the volume law

where the basis of total presence of such dangerous chemicals on Earth as could be =1

Mars = 2/3 of such relations

the basic argumentations that in a stage 3 environement the occular types of organisms that sense the presence of higher carnivores such as humans have currently been knocked out of the evolutional scale of relations because the presence of any bio trace would have been effected by the same process of attack on its predecesors as Mace spray in the eyes or its receptors so that what is locatable in the form of algea are types of microbes without any basis of recognitive genetics.

to see through a dust storm on Mars the usage of microbes found on its surface or samples taken from astroids on Earth will define the types of visors as well as occular type binocular vision assists.

this will also define the existance of audial hazzards that are present with the resultance of non audially recognitive organisms without such values as are reduced by the generations of its ancestors by the area resultances of the harrard mix and their positions on Mars: this is a basic law for all sense data relations:

hazzard x sense (reduction from organism) – reduced ability =generational mix of such damage values (AREAS / volumes ) distributions on spheres

this type of formulation will define the law that defines the tool in usage to sense audial noise for example where there is a large amount of micro organic no sense awareness resultance = to the parameters of its locatability and usage.


as he basis for a relations with a previous bio habitability of the planet Mars as the deevolved formats of the type present as it is in relations to a possibility of AS IT WAS PREVIOUSLY

and the type responsive H2O as the harsh environment of being unprotected in the Mars environment by the instance of exposure comparable to the mace eye spray irritations as similar to the degree of hazzard on Mars

as well as the type spooky action of the travellers to Mars as being effected by the visual recognitions of the Mars environement by the reduced odema of the eye socket pressure : in which basic alienations of the recognitive function of human recognitive processess.

Staring is a prolonged gaze or fixed look. In staring, one object or person is the continual focus of visual interest, for an amount of time. Staring can be interpreted as being either hostile, or the result of intense concentration or affection. Staring behaviour can be considered a form of aggression, or an invasion of an individual’s privacy. If eye contact is reciprocated, mutual staring can take the form of a battle of wills, or even a game where the loser is the person who blinks or looks away first – a staring contest.

To some extent, the meaning of a person’s staring behaviour depends upon the attributions made by the observer. Staring often occurs accidentally, when someone appears to be staring into space they may well be lost in thought, or stupefied, or simply unable to see.

Staring conceptually also implies confronting the inevitable – ‘staring death in the face’, or ‘staring into the abyss’. Group staring evokes and emphasisesparanoia; such as the archetypal stranger walking into a saloon in a Western to be greeted by the stares of all the regulars. The fear of being stared at is called Scopophobia.

the obstructions of visual identifications of MArs surface activity is continually obstructed by the stroms and high velocity winds that continually displace over the surface

The Psychic Staring Effect

The Psychic Staring Effect is concept of ‘non-visual detection of staring’. The idea that people can feel that they are being stared at has been studied heavily, by many different researchers, with different results.[1][2][3] Rupert Sheldrake in a controversial [2] book in 2003 called “The Sense Of Being Stared At” writes:

“Can people tell when they are being stared at from behind? As soon as we ask this question, we realize that there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence suggesting that this is the case. Many people have had the experience of feeling that they are being looked at, and on turning around find that they really are. Conversely, many people have stared at other people’s backs, for example in a lecture theater, and watched them become restless and then turn round.”

black hole tangents and Pythagoras

tangencies and Pythagoras theorem

as the String value theory

By Henryk Szubinski


the usage of a singularity = 1 as the basis of divisives of the subtractive value between the formats of root 2 and root 1

as the similarity of values = 2

as well as the  value =1

so that the total of the sums of root 2 and root 1 = 1 /2

as the type string value sinusodial formats of their value relations with the sides of a tangent triangle = 1/2

processess by which the value relations of the external process to define the root value system from 1 inverted value similar to the internal root alterance of a root 2 value on the radial reductions of the displacer into the base root value that defines the same process inverted reason to its cause by the projective value relations of the resistor:

The basics of the process relations that the values

root 2

root 1

= to the formats of 1 vector process

the 3 /// parallells

of a sequence root 2 related equation with root 1 by their interactive levels of a force field type solidity on the basis of reversal to the generator  Displacement 3 S

the right side of the vector diagramm 4R

= to the action that motivated the root value used into the intercie value such that both sides of the relations in the equations are = to a displacement by a root value relation in the vector diagramms of the process interval vector 1/2 =Resistor


similar inverted  projective resistor—————->—base root value————————–>


——-displacer-base root value-reductions—————>——–internal root alterance of root 2


>——————–root value–1 INV——————————————————>external

as the type reversals to a basis of similarity by their interactions of the intercies as = to each other

which will define the basics on black holes and dark matter:

this is basic to the root value relations defined as the radial value of a waveform = to a similar radial value waveform equivalence so that combining a raial with a radial = diameter of 3 root value interactions shown previously so that the root value sequence will involve a 4 th value root = externals of the process waveformas linked by the radial type circular rotations of the opposed circular parameters in which root 2 = root 1 and so on.

For example, in Newton’s gravity, you give it the variables of masses and distances, and the equations it gives you tells you how force, position, velocity, and acceleration will change over time.


oil spill cleanup

oli spill solution

By Henryk Szubinski


multiple applications for space travel usage

just like using a surface level solidity on which a type recycler can maintain the same type of gravity response on the ebb = force of similarity with land based derivations of disstilled processess into gas as well as the alcaloid group benzeenes.

Basically using a plasma heat ring at the base level Cir to motivate benzeene formation

In chemistry, a suspension is a heterogeneous fluid containing solid particles that are sufficiently large for sedimentation. Usually they must be larger than 1 micrometer.[1] The internal phase (solid) is dispersed throughout the external phase (fluid) through mechanical agitation, with the use of certain excipients or suspending agents. Unlike colloids, suspensions will eventually settle. An example of a suspension would be sand in water. The suspended particles are visible under a microscope and will settle over time if left undisturbed. This distinguishes a suspension from a colloid, in which the suspended particles are smaller and do not settle.[2] Colloids and suspensions are different from solutions, in which the dissolved substance (solute) does not exist as a solid, and solvent and solute are homogeneously mixed.

A suspension of liquid droplets or fine solid particles in a gas is called an aerosol or particulate. In the atmosphere these consist of fine dust and soot particles, sea saltbiogenic and volcanogenic sulfatesnitrates, and cloud droplets.

Suspensions are classified on the basis of the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium, where the former is essentially solid while the latter may either be a solid, a liquid, or a gas.

In modern chemical process industries, high shear mixing technology has been used to create many novel suspensions.

Technique monitoring physical stability

Multiple light scattering coupled with vertical scanning is the most widely used technique to monitor the dispersion state of a product, hence identifying and quantifying destabilisation phenomena[4][5][6][7]. It works on concentrated dispersions without dilution. When light is sent through the sample, it is backscattered by the particles. The backscattering intensity is directly proportional to the size and volume fraction of the dispersed phase. Therefore, local changes in concentration (sedimentation) and global changes in size (flocculationaggregation) are detected and monitored.

concerning the central cylinder

File:MLS scan.gif

side view schematics

sectional view SIDE projection

Mathematics of the spring rate

Spring rate is a ratio used to measure how resistant a spring is to being compressed or expanded during the spring’s deflection. The magnitude of the spring force increases as deflection increases according to Hooke’s Law. Briefly, this can be stated as

F = -kx \,


F is the force the spring exerts
k is the spring rate of the spring.
x is the displacement from equilibrium length i.e. the length at which the spring is neither compressed or stretched.

Spring rate is confined to a narrow interval by the weight of the vehicle,load the vehicle will carry, and to a lesser extent by suspension geometry and performance desires.

Spring rates typically have units of N/mm (or lbf/in). An example of a linear spring rate is 500 lbf/in. For every inch the spring is compressed, it exerts 500 lbf. A non-linear spring rate is one for which the relation between the spring’s compression and the force exerted cannot be fitted adequately to a linear model. For example, the first inch exerts 500 lbf force, the second inch exerts an additional 550 lbf (for a total of 1050 lbf), the third inch exerts another 600 lbf (for a total of 1650 lbf). In contrast a 500 lbf/in linear spring compressed to 3 inches will only exert 1500 lbf.

The spring rate of a coil spring may be calculated by a simple algebraic equation or it may be measured in a spring testing machine. The spring constant k can be calculated as follows:

k = \frac{d^4G}{8ND^3} \,

where d is the wire diameter, G is the spring’s shear modulus (e.g., about 12,000,000 lbf/in² or 80 GPa for steel), and N is the number of wraps and D is the diameter of the coil.

image courtesy of


In the regenerative shock absorber, a smaller magnetic tube slides inside a larger, hollow coil tube, producing a magnetic flux. The researchers estimate that, for typical driving conditions, the system can improve fuel

image courtesy of http://www.psyorg.com/news 188035494 html


In geometry, a torus (pl. tori) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. In most contexts it is assumed that the axis does not touch the circle (in this case the surface has a ring shape and is called a ring torus or simply torus if the ring shape is implicit). Other types of torus include the horn torus, which is generated when the axis is tangent to the circle, and the spindle torus, which is generated when the axis is a chord of the circle. A degenerate case is when the axis is a diameter of the circle and surface is a sphere. The ring torus bounds a solid known as a toroid. The adjective toroidal can be applied to tori, toroids or, more generally, any ring shape as in toroidal inductors and transformers. Real world examples of (approximately) toroidal objects include doughnutsinner tubes, many lifebuoysO-rings andVortex rings.

A torus can be defined parametrically by:[2]

x(u, v) =  (R + r \cos{v}) \cos{u} \,
y(u, v) =  (R + r \cos{v}) \sin{u} \,
z(u, v) =  r \sin{v} \,


u,v are in the interval [0, 2π),
R is the distance from the center of the tube to the center of the torus,
r is the radius of the tube.

An implicit equation in Cartesian coordinates for a torus radially symmetric about the z-axis is

\left(R - \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\right)^2 + z^2 = r^2, \,\! and explicitly:
 f(x,y,z) = \left(R - \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\right)^2 + z^2 - r^2\,\!

clearing the square root and rotating 2π (equivalent to replacing x2 by (r / 2R)2 − y2 → r = 2R\sqrt{x^2+y^2} ) produces a quartic:

 (x^2+y^2+z^2 + R^2 - r^2)^2 = 4R^2(x^2+y^2).  \,\!

The surface area and interior volume of this torus are easily computed using Pappus’s centroid theorem giving[3]

A = 4 \pi^2 R r = \left( 2\pi r \right) \left( 2 \pi R \right) \,
V = 2 \pi^2 R r^2 = \left( \pi r^2 \right) \left( 2\pi R \right). \,

These formulas are the same as for a cylinder of length 2πR and radius r, created by cutting the tube and unrolling it by straightening out the line running around the centre of the tube. The losses in surface area and volume on the inner side of the tube exactly cancel out the gains on the outer side.


File:Torus cycles.png

data research cortesy of  Wikipedia

aftermath starwars

composite theory

By Henryk Szubinski

translations courtesy of free translations on the web

do you know the aftermath of this on the basis of the process to define the values of their related situation=1F

as the process responsive value 2 F

= to the formats of 3 S =the data comprising the process facilitations of the open fased relations with F3 = to the data on the implied values of a spacetime level inclusive of the volume transferrance into the state open full universes at level

3 F ———————->towards the free transitions effects of their processess in aftermath levels

=the inclusive  responses to the vectorisations of the process stillness as active only by the response to Area 1 = Area 2 = F 4 as the motion implied values of their relations to the total surface areas and warp drives in anti gravity controllance of a faster than light speed value displacer in which the process to vectorise the response in return to the formulations of the resistance 0 process alterations of A 1 / x = the amount of responsive S ( R )

so that A2 = F total on the basis of S / x

where x lim = the data on interactive occilations between the formats of A / x2

so that x + x 2 = the basis of the full expansions of theese 2 value x processess = G x 1 + x2

= the process to define the externals of the multiple universes =the free response of A 3 + R4 = S 3

Noun 1. aftermath – the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event); “the aftermath of war”; “in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured”

consequenceeffectresultupshotoutcomeeventissue – a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; “the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise”; “his decision had depressing consequences for business”; “he acted very wise after the event”
2. aftermath – the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual

final resultoutcomeresultantterminationresult – something that results; “he listened for the results on the radio”
corollary – a practical consequence that follows naturally; “blind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love”
comeupancecomeuppancedeserts – an outcome (good or bad) that is well deserved
fruit – the consequence of some effort or action; “he lived long enough to see the fruit of his policies”
sequella – a secondary consequence
train – a series of consequences wrought by an event; “it led to a train of disasters”
rewardwagespayoff – a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing; “the wages of sin is death”; “virtue is its own reward”