sci fi reality..non CO2…on universal spheres

flying car and / or spaceship spheres
By Henryk Szubinski
freedoom of knowledge law 5th framework Chordis6
non emmisssions law


functionings by stable formats of motion as non fuel

as future reductions of CO2

File:Géode V 3 1.gif


generator = inverted motorics

3x delay weak force

The mathematical object “chord” of the “geodesic sphere” corresponds to the structural “strut” of the physical “geodesic dome”. The general definition of a chord is a (straight) line segment joining two points on a curve. For simple geodesic domes we recognize the associated curve to be the surface of a sphere. Here is how chords of geodesic spheres are generated. We first choose an underlying polyhedron with equal triangle faces. The regular icosahedron is most popular. The sphere we use is specifically the “circumscribing sphere” that contains the points (vertices) of the underlying polyhedron. The desired frequency of the subsequent geodesic sphere or dome is the number of parts or segments into which a side (edge) of the underlying polyhedral triangle is subdivided. The frequency has historically been denoted by the Greek letter “ν” (nu). By connecting like points along the subdivided sides we produce a natural triangular grid of segments inside each underlying triangle face. Each segment of the grid is then projected as a “chord” onto the surface of the circumscribing sphere. The technical definition of a chord factor is the ratio of the chord length to the radius of the circumscribing sphere. It is therefore convenient to think of the circumscribing sphere as scaled to radius = 1 in which “chord factors” are the same as “chord lengths” (decimal numbers less than one).

For geodesic spheres a well-known formula for calculating any “chord factor” is

chord factor = 2 Sin (θ / 2) where θ is the corresponding angle of arc for the given chord, that is, the “central angle” spanned by the chord with respect to the center of the circumscribing sphere. Determining the central angle usually requires some non-trivial spherical geometry.

In Geodesic Math and How to Use It Hugh Kenner writes, “Tables of chord factors, containing as they do the essential design information for spherical systems, were for many years guarded like military secrets. As late as 1966, some 3ν icosa figures from Popular Science Monthly were all anyone outside the circle of Fuller licensees had to go on.” (page 57, 1976 edition). Other tables became available with publication of Lloyd Kahn’s Domebook 1 (1970) and Domebook 2 (1971). With advent of personal computers, the mathematics became more solvable. Rick Bono’s Dome software outputs a script that can be used with the POV-ray raytrace to produce 3D pictures of domes. Domes based on the frameworks of different underlying polyhedra along with various methods for subdividing them will produce quite different results. Mathematical formulas developed by Peter W. Messer for calculating chord factors and dihedral angles for the general geodesic sphere appear in the Appendix of the 1999 Dover edition of Spherical Models

the positionality of dimensional frontal views of the andromeda galaxy in respect to the milky way would by galaxy collision values = a full

sphere volume = S-E

where the values of their quantals are as they are positioned; namely in a frontal dome perspective so that

sphere volume / 2 = (S-E) root

this then defines the values of their respetive positional data based on the proces by which a dome construct can take time = x

(S-E) root .x

and to be functional in a vector uncertainty = string

S quared ( -E .root .x) = String waveform

the data then on the process by which a hemi stopp value continues to combine even after the even and after the motion vectorisation by a force = cold death of the universe

2x = B.S

the data on a value where the  perspecive view of a frequency = to the malleability in basic context to a  wwaveform very similar to oxygen and its audial interactions

O2 ( B.x) = S / Volume

File:Whirlpool (M51).jpg

=5 B bit/3

vector variance x quantal = ressonance by UNIVERSAL


data on root 6 bit x ( carbon modifications)

as the data on a referenced pre value:

using 2 solenoids or 3 with type buoy magnetic flow of doughnuts around and out of the formats of solenoid conductiveity of stable doughnut = vaue of 3 in pairs or 6 in multi value pairing

The type effect are based on ano tubues and the usage of a carbon structual proximity of a CO2 molecule in a nano structure with similar but smaller nano tubes flowing inside  as the magnetic streak off effect of a magentic ability to neutralise CO2

frontal centration.=functionality of solid / FLUID basis in the

orientations of vector oppositions.

basis = indicative levels of proximity

problems of retreival of 3 x O2 states.

carbon monoxide problems in carbon dioxide emissions = a atomic mass number / differencial of

the root 6 basis in the data on x / modified <—x dx

= 6 x <—-x / 6 (bit ) d B

basic problems of a volume in the relations of

S ( vector )/ Volume

File:Dyson Swarm.png

The variant of the Dyson sphere most often depicted in fiction is the “Dyson shell”: a uniform solid shell of matter around the star (see diagram at top of page).[6] Unlike the Dyson swarm, such a structure would completely alter the emissions of the central star, and would intercept 100% of the star’s energy output. Such a structure would also provide an immense surface which many envision being used for habitation, if the surface could be made habitable.

A spherical shell Dyson sphere in our solar system with a radius of one astronomical unit, so that the interior surface would receive the same amount of sunlight as Earth does per solid angle, would have a surface area of at least 2.72×1017 km2, or around 550 million times the surface area of the Earth. This would intercept the full 4×1026 watts of the Sun’s output; other variant designs would intercept less, but the shell variant represents the maximum possible energy captured for our solar system at this point of the Sun’s evolution.[6] To put this figure in perspective, it is approximately 3.3×1013 times the power consumption of humanity in 1998 which was 1.2×1013 W.[7]

There are several serious theoretical difficulties with the solid shell variant of the Dyson sphere:

Such a shell would have no net gravitational interaction with its englobed sun (see Shell theorem), and could drift in relation to the central star. If such movements went uncorrected, they could eventually result in a collision between the sphere and the star — most likely with disastrous results. Such structures would need either some form of propulsion to counteract any drift, or some way to repel the surface of the sphere away from the star.[8]

data on x —————>x moleculars on 6 values of buoyancy a atomic mass on point engege and point fased out relations of basis H2O / SOH as the data on +/-

where a 3 BIT universal B rooted x value

= F/S .volume

this type of problem is what is termed as high velocity force differencials on states of rest of the atomic components of a molecular CO2 so that the directionality of the vectors in differencials are basically orientated in isolative state references of comparative x values:

data on the states of a compartive buoyanvy of the transportations of volulmes that are transported in molecular systems such as the volumes that can by a vector displacement in a proximal value to a distance = 1/100 th of the engeged time process of CO2 and the value of a variant x = 10

File:Dyson Bubble.png

A third type of Dyson sphere is the “Dyson bubble”. It would be similar to a Dyson swarm, composed of many independent constructs (usually solar power satellites and space habitats) and likewise could be constructed incrementally.

Unlike the Dyson swarm, the constructs making it up are not in orbit around the star, but would be statites—satellites suspended by use of enormous light sails using radiation pressure to counteract the star’s pull of gravity. Such constructs would not be in danger of collision or of eclipsing one another; they would be totally stationary with regard to the star, and independent of one another. As the ratio of radiation pressure and the force of gravity from a star are constant regardless of the distance (provided the statite has an unobstructed line-of-sight to the surface of its star[15]), such statites could also vary their distance from their central star.

The practicality of this approach is questionable with modern material science, but cannot yet be ruled out. A statite deployed around our own sun would have to have an overall density of 0.78 grams per square meter of sail.[8] To illustrate the low mass of the required materials, consider that the total mass of a bubble of such material 1 AU in radius would be about 2.17 × 1020 kg, which is about the same mass as the asteroid Pallas.[14]

Such a material is currently beyond our ability to produce; the lightest carbon-fiber light sail material currently produced has a density – without payload – of 3 g/m², or about four times heavier than would be needed to construct a solar statite.[16]

the data on the effects of a inverted function that can alter the values of fluid stability by increasing the level of

fluid based relations with areas:

as such the data on comparatives of the multi state shareing of the value generation of

3 stages and their interactive relational values = 3 stages for each multiple as in decreased volume value:

the resultants of a volume fluid inclusion of the alterability of motion by the force of vectorisations=

to the process in decresed difficulty by the usage of the examples in a fluid environment.

The basis of the alterability of object orientations = to a difficulati based on the minimal

In Euclidean geometry, a translation is moving every point a constant distance in a specified direction. It is one of the rigid motions (other rigid motions include rotation and reflection). A translation can also be interpreted as the addition of a constant vector to every point, or as shifting the origin of the coordinate system. A translation operator is an operator T_\mathbf{\delta} such that T_\mathbf{\delta} f(\mathbf{v}) = f(\mathbf{v}+\mathbf{\delta}).

If v is a fixed vector, then the translation Tv will work as Tv(p) = p + v.

If T is a translation, then the image of a subset A under the function T is the translate of A by T. The translate of A by Tv is often written A + v.

In a Euclidean space, any translation is an isometry. The set of all translations forms the translation group T, which is isomorphic to the space itself, and a normal subgroup of Euclidean group E(n ). The quotient group of E(n ) by T is isomorphic to the orthogonal group O(n ):

E(n ) / TO(n ).



A TYPE bit TRANSLATIONS UNIT as a flow vector for currents through a wire system computer

as a derived value formulations

the unsuspecting eco value + sudden vector irregularities = the process of molecular alterations to envelopment states.

data on the functionings of data on the resultant envelopment surfaces and the basics of the 3 stage generations = 3 stage equalisations of the relational value stages

as such the resultant equalisations = neutralisations of the value comparatives of a state in which CO2 is not predominantly the same as existant states of real problems.

Data on the usage of a state of force in a value of height = h 1 +h2+h3

as the values of the minimal sized objective beeing the least alterable by a example of the inversions of power to use on the objective = the power of a full exchange off power relations that are used in the continued relations of the mid sized volumetrics as a motivation for the a.i learning of the process by which a neutral value volume = to the ability to learn hgoe to relate with the objectives of the unexpected =h 3 = rapid h 2=immersions of h1

Data on the availability of the formats for the usage of relations with the envelopments of the objective in a motion sustainement without the inclusions of absorbant values of force or

molecular multiples = to a full state of rotation in the usage of force fields and the basics of the volume = mass of similar values

= 2x non inclusions.

Processes in which the subsequeent relations of the values of a lift to the resultant predictives of a a.i format for the predefined vector in motion through a space time in which the basic formats of a tactility in volumetrics is not divisive and the process of a applicational value of a surface area appended to the user of a envelopment format with the resultant indications of a non usage of inclusive applications as similar and in no way differencial.

As such the values of their resultant inplications of the data on a continuiim of vechiclularity in no rstrictions as the the UNIVERSE value multiple in motion in non alterability of the process that continues to vectorise.

data on extensionality by the universal values of their usage to define a link in the process of the failure of the basic force in its refusal to engege in the full extensionality of the usage of a link unit.

The basics of a group force in the multiple universes is basic to the expansjons of the motivations by which a full state of increased volume has some basic relational problems of similar recognitions :

where the recognitive is a minimal accertion of the basis to start relations , the objective in its not evoluted state = to a non alterability of volume size.

The resultant stalemate = a state of non complex responses that proove that the processor is not functional.

the ability of a forwarded format for usage of force as the basics in which the continuiim of non link

= to the non link accertion by the simple values of a vector function on the basics of external video functionings as based on a full volume = to a process format of the observations that are non substancialised by the usage of envelopment or the basis of multiple users of the same format as the group universe forces.Data on the similarity by motion of universes with the same function are based on the differences of the same volumetrics as a process for vector advances and is defined as the displacements by activity.

research data and images courtesy of wikipedia

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