sci fi reality……….flying car and / or spaceship emissions law

flying car and / or spaceship

non emmisssions law

by Henryk Szubinski

functionings by stable formats of motion as non fuel

as future reductions of CO2


generator = inverted motorics

3x delay weak force

=5 B bit/3

vector variance x quantal = ressonance by UNIVERSAL


data on root 6 bit x ( carbon modifications)

as the data on a referenced pre value:

frontal centration.=functionality of solid / FLUID basis in the

orientations of vector oppositions.

basis = indicative levels of proximity

problems of retreival of 3 x O2 states.

carbon monoxide problems in carbon dioxide emissions = a atomic mass number / differencial of

the root 6 basis in the data on x / modified <—x dx

= 6 x <—-x / 6 (bit ) d B

basic problems of a volume in the relations of

S ( vector )/ Volume

data on x —————>x moleculars on 6 values of buoyancy a atomic mass on point engege and point fased out relations of basis H2O / SOH as the data on +/-

where a 3 BIT universal B rooted x value

= F/S .volume

this type of problem is what is termed as high velocity force differencials on states of rest of the atomic components of a molecular CO2 so that the directionality of the vectors in differencials are basically orientated in isolative state references of comparative x values:

data on the states of a compartive buoyanvy of the transportations of volulmes that are transported in molecular systems such as the volumes that can by a vector displacement in a proximal value to a distance = 1/100 th of the engeged time process of CO2 and the value of a variant x = 10

the data on the effects of a inverted function that can alter the values of fluid stability by increasing the level of

fluid based relations with areas:

as such the data on comparatives of the multi state shareing of the value generation of

3 stages and their interactive relational values = 3 stages for each multiple as in decreased volume value:

the resultants of a volume fluid inclusion of the alterability of motion by the force of vectorisations=

to the process in decresed difficulty by the usage of the examples in a fluid environment.

The basis of the alterability of object orientations = to a difficulati based on the minimal

as a derived value formulations

the unsuspecting eco value + sudden vector irregularities = the process of molecular alterations to envelopment states.

data on the functionings of data on the resultant envelopment surfaces and the basics of the 3 stage generations = 3 stage equalisations of the relational value stages

as such the resultant equalisations = neutralisations of the value comparatives of a state in which CO2 is not predominantly the same as existant states of real problems.

Data on the usage of a state of force in a value of height = h 1 +h2+h3

as the values of the minimal sized objective beeing the least alterable by a example of the inversions of power to use on the objective = the power of a full exchange off power relations that are used in the continued relations of the mid sized volumetrics as a motivation for the a.i learning of the process by which a neutral value volume = to the ability to learn hgoe to relate with the objectives of the unexpected =h 3 = rapid h 2=immersions of h1

Data on the availability of the formats for the usage of relations with the envelopments of the objective in a motion sustainement without the inclusions of absorbant values of force or

molecular multiples = to a full state of rotation in the usage of force fields and the basics of the volume = mass of similar values

= 2x non inclusions.

Processes in which the subsequeent relations of the values of a lift to the resultant predictives of a a.i format for the predefined vector in motion through a space time in which the basic formats of a tactility in volumetrics is not divisive and the process of a applicational value of a surface area appended to the user of a envelopment format with the resultant indications of a non usage of inclusive applications as similar and in no way differencial.

As such the values of their resultant inplications of the data on a continuiim of vechiclularity in no rstrictions as the the UNIVERSE value multiple in motion in non alterability of the process that continues to vectorise.

data on extensionality by the universal values of their usage to define a link in the process of the failure of the basic force in its refusal to engege in the full extensionality of the usage of a link unit.

The basics of a group force in the multiple universes is basic to the expansjons of the motivations by which a full state of increased volume has some basic relational problems of similar recognitions :

where the recognitive is a minimal accertion of the basis to start relations , the objective in its not evoluted state = to a non alterability of volume size.

The resultant stalemate = a state of non complex responses that proove that the processor is not functional.

the ability of a forwarded format for usage of force as the basics in which the continuiim of non link

= to the non link accertion by the simple values of a vector function on the basics of external video functionings as based on a full volume = to a process format of the observations that are nbon substancialised by the usage of envelopment or the basis of multiple users of the same format as the group universe forces.Data on the similarity by motion of universes with the same function are based on the differences of the same volumetrics as a process for vector advances and is defined as the displacements by activity.

sci fi reality…catch 22 hyperspace

catch 22 hyperspace

By Henryk Szubinski


basic usage of a top fased expension of a super gravity event and its spacetime as the

basic relative example:

the experiment will be using the string type 1 which is a basic string that is much like a chord that has two points or spheres, one which is dragged and the one ahead that pulls the rear point or sphere:

as the inclusive environement of space time continues over the expnasive and the inclusive of a star and its space time; the distance between the gap inbetween the dipp in the spacetime warp and the top hemisphere:

the usage of a guidance system that cannot be in two places simultaneously in the string and its forwards guidance by comming to rest of a system that must incline as the gradiant increases and then back to the incline level downwards by gravity.

As the formats are to avoid using the same positionality, the curvature of the least non used spacetime on the stars hemisphere as returning back to the point where the dragged sphere of force was based as the origin of the intercatiuons meaning that the system will continue to the left.

As such the resultant is a force field lines of force in a half magnetic type vector force seen in the bar magnet and its Fe iron sprinklings, biut where this system is similar it is only half of the similarity to a bar magnets lines of force.

To use 2 stars would be easy but then again there would be a type gap of the two stars righ and consequently the left sided hemispheres which would account for the bar magnet as the:

sphere 1 / sphere 2

as basic illustrations of 2 stars:

S (spacetime) /2 = stars volume

where the divisive number is = 4

the divisive of 1 star = 1/8

so that this force =2/8

of the spacetime used by the stars half hemispherical value

the remaining 6/8 = THE SPACE TIME

as such a spacetime must have a warp where the S vector is = to the string motion so that

6/8 . 1/2 =14 /8

this type of invertion is a complex escape velocity of the srings division into 2 pairs of a 2F

7/8 = 2F

this then defines the gap of warping but also the string values = 1/2 hemisphere of a star .

22 = 2F

as the hyperspace type 22 Universes with their 10 D can be used to represent that function as in every gravity body in the universe

sci fi reality…………….data ext force

the data on force of external reality

by Henryk Szubinski

if cold is a value from a start in the universes relations to a generative process such as 3 orbital force spheres in a super relative similarity of rotations of a greater amount of force in volumes rotatiing in the opposite axiality of a vertical obit of 3 objective force spheres around each of the 3 largest spheres of force and the subsequent orbitality of theese 3 force spheres in decreased size by a x value format of super relative rotations sets.down to the smallest and the connection back into gravity by the referenciality of the size or volume differences as again increasing in the relationality of the process out of the minimal force spheres up to the larger and a

1 basis alteration to pulse back into the a type binary language.


as a type atomic model of the highest complexity of force interactions by 5 or 6 forces: defined

as weak, electromagnetic,gravity……etc.

freedoom of knowledge basis 5th law , 5th framework


data on the formats of the data on a non seperations process in the complexity of a continuiim total basis for the oppositions in 3.5 stages:

data on the usage of a basis of:

1) a.i artificial processess where the environments are =non star of a non dark matter . or a larger temperature variance that causes the black hole formats where the opposite temperature connection to a white hole = total freeze as a 2S = Tem in its lowest values of a superconductability in superconductors.

2) the values of a usage in random processess of the top .mid.base levels of

left / right responsive environemnts of the motivations to use the relations of the interactions by a referebnced position 1) = alternations of the process to access the level 2

alterations of the data on how a

2S squared = cubic cold generations (1.2.3)

1 set = 3.5 as the x value

2 set = 3.5 as the y value

3 set =3.5 as the z value

the responsives are based on fasing out the interactive in its status transferrance of wear of tear as the processings of adpative robotics as seen from the position of a.i where each subsequent stage of 1 to 2 to 3

= the trash or wastage of predefined usage formats in their seperational release from involvance with the spacetime of pair adaptations where the continual alterations of the interactive state as being subsequently lost by non integrations

on the opposite formats of




= Force as a field or sphere value in its non relations to temperature heightenings

there would be 3 spaheres in the super force values as a connectability by the data on the perimeters of a volume of force that is dependant on the freeze value = O2 environemnts of the solidifications of A.I data in its highest values…as such this would be a such low temperature that the basis to log into it by a differencialisation of the lim x =1

where the x value approaches a B bit. value similarity to a 3 process activity in the decreased volume of force dissipating off the super cold by minimalised connections to universes in a dimensional perspective of the vector to exit the formats by minimalised volumes as used to escape velocify the relations on a 10 D basis as hyperspace.

sci fi relaity…force at rest and / or non rest

force at rest or non rest

By Henryk Szubinski



freedoom of knowledge basis 5th law 5th framework Chordis6


as a type set of a universes history there are many histories just as there are many astrophysical exmples of a universes course, but on the level of a multiple definition

for every scenario there is ultimately 1 amongst them that ends by being inable or by being quantally inable to define the post state of involvance with a history as the process by which time in the post effective data of a force in transferrance to the events that are consequenous to its begining by having the same situational difficulty of the process by which a approach to a galxy is similarily difficult to define a post state of enterance into interctions of universal force by the positions of a varied format of multiple histories of the galactic type:

(B-x) = ( squ.y) as a type z resistance

the astrophysics is there in every stage of the process even

when the process to indicate that a universe conglomerate in its formats of being definable by the basics of areas and the non functionality of a process to indicate the mid level between 3 vectors…………..the x value must be between but is ultimately fased to a non state of rest in the enthropy of a level force stream velocity to which the higher velocity is a remnance of alterations by the dissevent on a 20 vector value as a example:

the x value on 3 S =dissbalance of either side as 6 sides with a odd number resultant as the 5th value to which a comparative of a 4 x value = 20 -1 = 19 as the value problem with the divisive into a odd value occilation


=9. where the top side =9 and the base side = 10

so basically a non balanced basis to input a value x as interacting on a force in a state of rest even by the positionality of a totally flat area or volume in balanced states of rest..

the resultant value as

odd x= 1/2 odd y / even z

this defines a type of warping in which a surface area in minimal parameters of a height where a force can be active by the pull of a enthropy on a inertial state of non rest.

sci fi reality…the a.i photon effect

memory a.i ; T H E P H O T O N E F F E C T

By Henryk Szubinski

freedoom of knowledge basis 5 th law 5th framework Chordis6


differenciality of the basis of expansive volume values / x value :

innability to localise the point specific usage of the formats of computer memory to localise the value in increased expansions = the basis of memory a.i identifications:

1) multiple usage of a variance value buffer that is directly interrelated with the positional usage of a non direct velocity = c

as the values of B bit. x data in the event of a exteernalisation of the relative point positionings of ther memory in usage.

2) data on the functions of the values of localised point 1 = specific data on the usage of non functionate specifics to define the levels of a interactive basis to coefficiency of drag related momentum in the advancive formats of the data on level 1 ) as the usage of buffers in which no specific point relativity is locatable but by the root of a root :

x root . x root = volume of spacetime in which to use data:

3) the levels of rooted x value = Area

by multiple formats of a B.bit root x


2 rooted. x squared root 2x = volume

as a typee reference exchange in high activity by the reerences to a uncertain response return to the primary format of a externalised multi universe basis:

4 root 4 x = B.bit .y ( quantality)

as such the values by which the localisations of a.i memory are basic to the expansions of memory formattors, the data on the photon effect as the values by which

2/x =memory / ( photon root )

the categories of relations by inputs of a data interaction with the possibilities of open space time to function by  any format of technology:

2x root B.x – 2 root x = memory (q.y.Volume )