sci fi reality…non CO2 emissions law

non emissions law

By Henryk Szubinski

functionings by stable formats of motion as non fuel

as future reductions of CO2

gebnerator = inverted motorics

3x delay weak Force

= 5 B bit / 3

vector variance x quantal = ressonance by Universal


data on root 6 (x bit) (carbon modificatios )

as the data on a referenced pre value:

frontal centration of vector opposition

basis = indicative of security type levels in computers as a comparative problem where the

data would be comparatively in similarity to environmental

basis = indicative levels of proximity to vectors on non recognised problems

as problems of retreival of similar bonding 3x O2


carbon monoxide problems in carbon dioxide emissions

= a atomic mass  / differencial

of the root 6 basis in the data on x / modified <—–x dx

= 6 x<—-x / 6 ( bit ) d B

basic problems of a volume in the relations of

S ( vector x )/ Volume

data on x————–> x moleculars on 6 values of buoyancy as a

atomic mass on point engage and point fased out relations of basis H2O / SOH

as the data on +/- where a 3 BIT universal B rooted x value

= F/S volume

this type of problem is whatis termed as a high velocity force differencial on states of rest of the atomic components of a molecular CO2 o that the directionality of the vectors in differencials are basically ( by Newtons laws of motion) orientated in isolative state references on comparative x values as the shortes route taken in the molecular F of motion of the differencials in the molecular basis :

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