sci fi reality……the 45 degree 2 x complication


a  45 degree warp in lift

By Henryk Szubinski

A WORK CONCERNING PLANAR WARP FLATTENING AS THE BASIC WARPING OF POSITRONIC SIMILARITY AND THE VALUES OF A HEMISPHERICAL REASON FOR THE FLATTENING IN SPACE TIME PROJECTIONS AS THE POSIRTRON ACCELLERATIONS MODEL OF A ATOM:as such a basic look into the formats of data on the basics of problems in the data on how a wire can be made into a basis dependancie of the functions defined formerly as a A.I system STRING wire for computations of artificial lift:

using positorn cloud chambers for the 45 multi complication in a boost in Jups to hyperspace

the argument here is to present a theory for the 45 degree complexity of a combined dimensional view of which the lift and drop of a objeect in jump can be seen in the perspective of a area and the position of contact with the displaced value as seen from the same position = to a parallell where the reconnection to the area is seen as a flat line = horizon.

As such a point system of Plank constants is used to define a flow of the value in  which similarities with positorons are made:

In mathematics, a singular point of an algebraic variety V is a point P that is ‘special’ (so, singular), in the geometric sense that V is not locally flat there. In the case of an algebraic curve, a plane curve that has a double point, such as the cubic curve

y2 = x2(x + 1)

exhibits at (0, 0), cannot simply be parametrized near the origin. A plot of this curve is below with the singular point at the origin. An example of singular point is when a graph crosses over itself:

as such a projective value of a point inclusion in the horizon flattening of the 45 up at a 1 g level = a point type area inclusions field that is usable as a type response to the similarity of booster that can reflect the horizontal parallel.

In physics, Planck units are physical units of measurement defined exclusively in terms of five universal physical constants listed below, in such a manner that these five physical constants take on the numerical value of one when expressed in terms of these units. Planck units elegantly simplify particular algebraic expressions appearing in physical law. Originally proposed in 1899 by German physicist Max Planck, these units are also known as natural units because the origin of their definition comes only from properties of nature and not from any human construct. Planck units are only one system of natural units among other systems, but are considered unique in that these units are not based on properties of any prototype object, or particle (that would be arbitrarily chosen) but are based only on properties of free space. The constants that Planck units, by definition, normalize to 1 are the:

same plates for measurement as the parameters of a mesured 45 .2 x system of the resultant horizon by positorn measurements:


Cloud chamber photograph by C.D. Anderson of the first positron ever identified. A 6 mm lead plate separates the upper half of the chamber from the lower half. The positron must have come from below since the upper track is bent more strongly in the magnetic field indicating a lower energy.

as positron emittors in the left right barrels to simulate the track of the poitronic opposition by simulating the 1 event from a basis of a frontal magnetic zone should construct a artificial magnetic lines of force situation where the general flux flows through the mid section and around the emittors..

The positron or antielectron is the antiparticle or the antimatter counterpart of the electron. The positron has an electric charge of +1, a spin of 12, and the same mass as an electron. When a low-energy positron collides with a low-energy electron, annihilation occurs, resulting in the production of two or more gamma ray photons (see electron-positron annihilation). The existence of positrons was first postulated in 1928 by Paul Dirac as a consequence of the Dirac equation.

Positrons may be generated by positron emission radioactive decay (through weak interactions), or by pair production from a sufficiently energetic photon.

Opposition occurs only in superior planets.

The Moon, which orbits the Earth rather than the Sun, is in opposition to the Sun at full moon. When it is exact in opposition, a lunar eclipse occurs.

what is opposition in a binary star system:

area full sectioning of singular data on wave fronts:

zone UNIVERSE BIT value =B

as a type (x,y) = Area

x squred angle .x. dimensionality / 2

as a area quantality in opposition of vector Kinetic Energy=

Area involved as a type elctron photon root Volume / quantality

= SOH as the width..

data on the values of the sections of a barrier and its value as a construct process in the definitions of the main question posed to space travel:

the positoron is not split rather it is seperated from the common planar parallell of the areas in interactions towards a flat horizon spacetime..

A binary star is a star system consisting of two stars orbiting around their common center of mass. The brighter star is called the primary and the other is its companion star, comes,[1] or secondary. Research between the early 1800s and today suggests that many stars are part of either binary star systems or star systems with more than two stars, called multiple star systems. The term double star may be used synonymously with binary star, but more generally, a double star may be either a binary star or an optical double star which consists of two stars with no physical connection but which appear close together in the sky as seen from the Earth. A double star may be determined to be optical if its components have sufficiently different proper motions or radial velocities, or if parallax measurements reveal its two components to be at sufficiently different distances from the Earth. Most known double stars have not yet been determined to be either bound binary star systems or optical doubles.

Binary star systems are very important in astrophysics because calculations of their orbits allow the masses of their component stars to be directly determined, which in turn allows other stellar parameters, such as radius and density, to be indirectly estimated. This also determines an empirical mass-luminosity relationship (MLR) from which the masses of single stars can be estimated.

Is there a limit height that defines the fall back to gravity on earth as a value based on 45 degree opposition that has a flat space time diemension and is the value dependant on only the data on how values of progressive response to strings in the realm of a peek at the future of A.I as the data based on the sectional laterations where there are no limitations of a universal space time flattened hrizon based on a surface area seen from the side..

as a concertive definition of the opposite meaning of values:

as a type alterational value system of relativce point of view based on point perspectives of the generalised action / reaction in their differences not so much concerned with segregations as to show the opposite..

File:Triple-star sunset.jpg

as a type binary computations input to define A.I and how te levels of perception differ in the imagings process of computer A:i

looking into a A.I wire= string values of higher velocity motion through the wire:

In critical theory, a binary opposition (also binary system) is a pair of theoretical opposites. In structuralism, it is seen as a fundamental organizer of human philosophy, culture, and language.

sci fi reality…..a lot of O2 intel

t h e  r e t u r n   o f   t h e   j e d i

By Henryk Szubinski



a lot of russian directives given on the usage of interplanetary or general spacetime outside or within the cosmos realm of the proximal usage of Earth space as a type realestate or yard with its barriers in a

MULTI UNIVERSAL INVESTORIAL  family of relations that are trying TO AVOID FAILURE to get on well together  AND TO NOT GO UNNOTICED..

the general data on the andromeda status with all data and mobility used right now in what is a 9 million light year proximity so that the general proximal system at a minimal 3 miillion light years defined as the dark side of a galaxy gone sigularity as is obvious is causing the dark matter fluctuations because a 1/10 or 1/ 100 x F fluctuation is causing the remaining 30 /100 x as a problem to measure the primary quadrant of a 90 degree relationship with Earths astrophysical data systems as being a time dialation that would upset the order of the based x,y,z system as offset by the start of a time reversal  from a x value = y/ infinity and as such also not being a compliance to the laws of volume or vector values in their y axial coordinate systems as being andomeda..

so the throy would sound like this:

MULTI UNIVERSAL INVESTORIAL  family of relations in a order of  that are trying TO AVOID FAILURE of earth coordinative systems to get on well together  AND TO NOT GO UNNOTICED..from the principal system of time´.

the basics on how to avoid such problems is a general dark matter problem and its resultant usage of a proximal alteration from the southern hemisphere to the northern by a alterance of a vector to opposition made as a projected time estimate of how fast a vechicle could traverse earth polar positionality in a shorter than 10 second span..from one side to the next by utilisations of the law of data in a proximal progressions estimate on values in data that are internally conferrent to the multiple transparency of their usage as the problem in its basic formative value based effect and the govrnements order to get that done by the general problematics of how a process in which andromeda has its case scenario well worked out and in the bounds for the usage of value systems in place of the general loss of time system 2.

The basic usage of the confferrance of data in the process of how a value in its stream lined modifications and the programmings of basic functionality as the data on how a aversion of time end in its STRING reality to deform and use STRING technology to define the basics of warped coordinate systems..


data on how to use the value fased reference of two waveformats as being warped into a dipp weight pull of gravity can be  beaten by a


45 degree 2 x value =wave 1 / wave 2

to use the general data on space time travel as a process of waveform uniformity into a string with a wire type function dipp avoidance:




sci fi reality……world web phone

world web phone

By Henryk Szubinski

service provisions next step can be used as a type 1 television web camm and data on why a process needs the data on points is for the general look of a transmitted service as aquirive of points as a type interaction with prefased shares such the data on why the general data on the values of a delay to imply the coustomer is free to use the time on the service department used as the possibility of direct connections while talking about money and the audial transmissions of the general level at which the serive provides only a type entertainment while thinking about what to spend and where to spend it..


as a type exposure point system on the general collective of 2 or more similar services in a group to 3 values:


Exposure value is a base-2 logarithmic scale defined by (Ray 2000, 318)

\mathrm {EV} = \log_2 {\frac {N^2} {t} } \,,


EV 0 corresponds to an exposure time of 1 s and a relative aperture of f/1.0. If the EV is known, it can be used to select combinations of exposure time and f-number, as shown in Table 1.

Each increment of 1 in exposure value corresponds to a change of one “step” (or, more commonly, one “stop”) in exposure, i.e., half as much exposure, either by halving the exposure time or halving the aperture area, or a combination of such changes. Greater exposure values are appropriate for photography in more brightly lit situations, or for higher ISO speeds.


world mobile service usable on web;

the amount of cash you have when planning to make a daily interactive usage of the money by the visitations of the places where the money is used as a type 1 indicator on a dial of category services as a dial in and use commerical indications of the provided service after payment for the service, gives you a sponsorship point for the transmissions of value for money…

sci fi reality …..force spread

d a  t a   o n   f o r c e  s p r e a d

By Henryk Szubinski


type spread as a wing unfoldement  vectro motion to envelop a spherical state as of a bird takeing off = to the basics of a hydroxyle effect of the interactive states of moon water bounce into a format for a force of the resultant spherical ionisations field enveloment of the basic response active in SOH wing spread.

atomic SOH inclusions field of ionic alterations between the frozen solid states : a type artificial gravity force field = anti matter and /or artificial intelligence by A:I

this type of vector defined as h can actually be made to reverse to a convergance when the triangulations are opposed as a

-h .y= quantality 2 x

this defines the retraction of a process from the basic point shared by both triangles;

the z vector fits into place when the common multiple of x y z = similar value of 10

so that 2.8 as a approximation in a dimensional space time of 10 D =hyperspace, the values of the common divisive must = 1

as such the z vector must compensate in its reversal of h by a quantality so that

h.z 10 =1/(x.y)2.8

where the 2.8 = amount of universes as a B bit value in its closest value = 3

100D h.z= 1/10 Bx.y

1000 D.h.z =Bx.y

1/ x.y B

where x and y are = a f value

f B=1000 D and h.z = 45 degrees=g

f.B =1000 D/45.g

f.B =´30 D-2g-3

as a type 1 hyperspace universe type measuring unit  in 30 D gravity dimensions of a cubic type vector in 2 D space time.

In the branch of mathematics called category theory, given a morphism f from an object X to an object Y, and a morphism g from an object Z to Y, a lift (or lifting) of f to Z is a morphism h from X to Z such that gh = f.

A basic example in topology is lifting a path in one space to a path in a covering space. Consider, for instance, mapping opposite points on a sphere to the same point, a continuous map from the sphere covering the projective plane. A path in the projective plane is a continuous map from the unit interval, [0,1]. We can lift such a path to the sphere by choosing one of the two sphere points mapping to the first point on the path, then maintain continuity. In this case, each of the two starting points forces a unique path on the sphere, the lift of the path in the projective plane. Thus in the category of topological spaces with continuous maps as morphisms, we have

\begin{align}  f\colon& [0,1] \to \mathbb{RP}^2 , &\qquad&\text{(projective plane path)} \\  g\colon& S^2 \to \mathbb{RP}^2 , &\qquad&\text{(covering map)} \\  h\colon& [0,1] \to S^2 . &\qquad&\text{(sphere path)}  \end{align}

Lifts are ubiquitous; for example, the definition of fibrations (see homotopy lifting property) and the valuative criteria of separated and proper maps of schemes are formulated in terms of existence and (in the last case) unicity of certain lifts.

sci fi reality…inertial reversal controllance ..basic lift angular motor

d a t a   a c t i v a t i o n s   s p a c e t i m e  q u a n t al s

inertial reversal motors

as space travel or flying cars

By Henrryk Szubinski

while the brakket —–>limited x moovement—rail——>zone of momentum

is a single rail brakket format this availability would give the tail brakket a initial value chance to extend in a reversed inertia

as a type ratio of gears:

the picture to the right, the smaller gear (known as the pinion) has 13 teeth, while the second, larger gear (known as the idler gear) has 21 teeth. The gear ratio is therefore 21/13, 1.62/1, or 1.62:1.

Gear Ratio (GR) = (Number of teeth on Gear or driven)/(Number of teeth on Pinion or driver).

The ratio means that the pinion gear must make 1.62 revolutions to turn the idler gear 1 revolution. It also means that for every one revolution of the pinion, the idler gear has made 1/1.62, or 0.62, revolutions. In practical terms, the idler gear turns more slowly.

Suppose the largest gear in the picture has 42 teeth, the gear ratio between the second and third gear is thus 42/21, or 2:1, and hence the total gear ratio is 1.62×2=~3.23. For every 3.23 revolutions of the smallest gear, the largest gear turns one revolution,or for every one revolution of the smallest gear, the largest gear turns 0.31 (1/3.23) revolution, a total reduction of about 1:3.23 (Gear Reduction Ratio (GRR) = 1/Gear Ratio (GR)).

Since the intermediate (idler) gear contacts directly both the smaller and the larger gear it can be removed from the calculation, also giving a ratio of 42/13 = 3.23.

Since the number of teeth is also proportional to the circumference of the gear wheel (the bigger the wheel the more teeth it has) the gear ratio can also be expressed as the relationship between the circumferences of both wheels (where d is the diameter of the smaller wheel and D is the diameter of the larger wheel):

gr = \frac{\pi d}{\pi D} = \frac{d}{D}

Since the diameter is equal to twice the radius;

gr = \frac{d}{D} = \frac{2r}{2R} = \frac{r}{R}

as well.

v_d = v_D \rightarrow \omega_d r = \omega_D R \rightarrow \frac{r}{R} = \frac{\omega_D}{\omega_d}

and so

gr = \frac{\omega_D}{\omega_d}

data on the process of a a value in the responsive root value of the basic

quantal left over in the definitions of a summation m= differencial 2 dx

as the processings on the value of a summations 2 = data on the process

2 <–F squared / a da

= 1

as the value singularity of the data on the process to derive a 1 value accelleration as the values and their primary displacements in accellerated activity of the process involved with the sections in which case = any spacial relations of the rotations of a turbine that functions by 2 rotations orbitals dissregardless of using the rotations and their extensions of impulse internal extensions in a ny view SIDE / FRONT / tail

similarity by what a generalisation of the theory of relativity in the Ohm circuits

process in which the data on the primary definition of a minimal value in

which the geneal  radial proceess is to derive a sequenced Vector =to basic data on the Force involved with the sections and their referenced data Dimensionality = a basic area data law in which a generation in how the process is actively extended into delineated spacetravel possibilities as well as flying cars..

Data is sectioned into their responsive value in a minimal balance by the responsives of the active values and their responsive repository of a data effect in which generalisations concerning the A.T.A.T.= vecicularity by a sequenced similarity in the processess of data jump reversal of photons

 to hyperspace..

while the system is restricted by the brakket in extensions by a minimal difference of the imulse interactions, the system as a rotational vector can simulate the interactions of a freely rotating propp and also to make adjustements for radial extensonal waveforming…

instead favor the mathematically useful definition of inertia as the measure of a body’s resistance to changes in momentum or simply a body’s inertial mass.

This was clear in the beginning of the 20th century, when the theory of relativity was not yet created. Mass, m, denoted something like amount of substance or quantity of matter. And at the same time mass was the quantitative measure of inertia of a body.

The mass of a body determines the momentum P of the body at given velocity v; it is a proportionality factor in the formula:

P = mv

The factor m is referred to as inertial mass.

But mass as related to ‘inertia’ of a body can be defined also by the formula:

F = ma

Here, F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration.

By this formula, the greater its mass, the less a body accelerates under given force. Masses m defined by the formula (1) and (2) are equal because the formula (2) is a consequence of the formula (1) if mass does not depend on time and speed. Thus, “mass is the quantitative or numerical measure of body’s inertia, that is of its resistance to being accelerated”.

This meaning of a body’s inertia therefore is altered from the original meaning as “a tendency to maintain momentum” to a description of the measure of how difficult it is to change the momentum of a body.