sci fi reality…..cave diving on the moon


the most dangerous sport

as a obvious choice for astronaut training on the moons water caves.

By Henryk Szubinski

freedoom of knowledge basis 5th law 5th framework Chordis6

basic values in which a representation of a a.i unit in usage with buoyancy stability on levels of earth immersions and lunar immersions as a type 1 shock absorbtion in usage with highly irregular circuit vectors:

hopp field net with boyancy differenciation ( adaptive usage)

The revival of connectionism

In 1982, physicist John Hopfield was able to prove that a form of neural network (now called a “Hopfield net“) could learn and process information in a completely new way. Around the same time, David Rumelhart popularized a new method for training neural networks called “backpropagation” (discovered years earlier by Paul Werbos). These two discoveries revived the field of connectionism which had been largely abandoned since 1970.[114][116]

The new field was unified and inspired by the appearance of Parallel Distributed Processing in 1986—a two volume collection of papers edited by Rumelhart and psychologist James McClelland. Neural networks would become commercially successful in the 1990s, when they began to be used as the engines driving programs like optical character recognition and speech recognition.[114


rather a store of the inhibited  mind set function with special environments:OF THE nature nurture

earth H2O / moon H2O=stemmic a.i

the data on a x for every subsequent ability of high levels of continued usage to define problems in the same measure of a divisive to which failure to define the point


 totality is the full encompassment of universal research of the reliability of computativce processess of advanced formats of communications as the waveformats in levels where strength of the measures used =as the usage of formats for the simulations of data usage .

THE BASIC LAWS of the multi funct

ional universes in a stemmic relationship to nature / nurture outside the freindly environment,,

as is in :

Cave diving is a type of technical diving in which specialized SCUBA equipment is used to enable the exploration of natural or artificial caves which are at least partially filled with water. It is an extension of the more common sport of caving, but is much more rarely practised because of the skills and equipment required, and because of the high potential risks.

Despite these risks, water-filled caves attract cavers and speleologists due to their often unexplored nature, and present divers with a technical diving challenge. Caves often have a wide range of unique physical features, such as stalactites and stalagmites, and can contain unique flora and fauna not found elsewhere.

File:Belvedere della Grotta di Nereo.jpg

international dangerous sports

international unknown sports

International King of Sports

Gymnastics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cave diving – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

nternational energy sports

Sports nutrition

most prominent international sport

Sport in Australia

after some considerations on the energy sport values on the basis of energy exchanges = to a energy exchange in which the general format of the continuuiim based time usage to demonstrate the non functionality of the sport user as surviving the even the most dangerous sport is the limited basis of the presentations by now current time representations without any general hazzard for the watcher of the event:

File:NASA Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory Astronaut Training.jpg

localities of a international sport index for the search definition being:

KI sports and KI international sports also on the international KI sports comissions: none were presented ,

The search for a KI in which the most prominent international sport = football.

In basic the non suggestivity of KI formats being not in the hemisphericality of international representations of a common value neither in the basis for a general cultural sports eventuality in the values of sports nutritional values as the complexity of usage for extra strength:

File:Image-Peacock Springs Entrance.jpg

data on the main 1 value sport as the king of sports was neither represented by a advanced format of a specialisation . the gymnastics of the process in which the definition CAN BE dangerous has non implicative usage as being the type evasive format of the user to be specially gifted, noone of theese values are evident.

Cave diving is one of the most challenging and potentially dangerous kinds of diving and presents many diving hazards. Cave diving is a form of penetration diving, meaning that in an emergency a diver cannot ascend directly to the surface due to the cave’s ceilings, and instead may have to swim horizontally. The underwater navigation through the cave system may be difficult and exit routes may be at considerable distance, requiring the diver to have sufficient breathing gas to make the journey, resulting in potential deep diving risks.

Visibility can be low, or non-existent. While a less-intensive kind of diving called cavern diving does not take divers beyond the outermost part of the cave reached by natural light, true cave diving can involve penetrations of many thousands of feet, well beyond the reach of sunlight. The level of darkness experienced creates an environment impossible to see in without an artificial form of light. Caves often contain sand, mud, clay, silt, or other sediment that can further reduce underwater visibility in seconds when stirred up.

File:Chandrayaan1 Spacecraft Discovery Moon Water.jpg

as the nr 1 complex of the earths nature / nurture the basis of the intradimensional inversions of focus on the davantages of a post effective fold on the values of systems that are defined as imractical to simulate the training environments of a audio visual format of H2O and the spacial dimensionalities of the prospect of water on the moon = the advantage being that the values implied to have sysnonomous values with the process in which the return to a intra responsive environment for the general focality of the problems of the space time dimensions of the multi value extra vechicularity and even as such to define the status of a non go in view of the non sympathetical nervous system usage by any other means than everything as a formulation that argues the deniability of this argument against the deinability as suggestive in the pre section of the data here presented as non accepted means of usage of any informations gathered in the situations of a cellular relationship with isolative human functionings that are everywhere present on earth and accepted as debilitative…without H2O and even in cases with H2O.

Caves can carry strong water currents. Most caves emerge on the surface as either springs or siphons. Springs have out flowing currents, where water is coming up out of the Earth and flowing out across the land’s surface. Siphons have inflowing currents where, for example, an above-ground river is going underground. Some caves are complex and have some tunnels with out-flowing currents, and other tunnels with inflowing currents. If currents are not properly managed, they can cause serious problems for the diver.

Cave diving is perceived as one of the more dangerous sports in the world. This perception is arguable because the vast majority of divers who have lost their lives in caves have either not undergone specialized training or have had inadequate equipment for the environment. Many cave divers have suggested that cave diving is in fact statistically much safer than recreational diving due to the much larger barriers imposed by experience, training, and equipment cost.

There is no reliable worldwide database listing all cave diving fatalities. Such fractional statistics as are available, however, suggest that very few divers have ever died while following accepted protocols and while using equipment configurations recognized as acceptable by the cave diving community. In the very rare cases of exceptions to this rule there have always been unusual circumstances.

Lunar water has two potential origins: water-bearing comets (and other bodies) striking the Moon, and in situ production. It has been theorized that the latter may occur when hydrogen ions (protons) in the solar wind chemically combine with the oxygen atoms present in the lunar minerals (oxides, silicates etc.) to produce small amounts of water trapped in the minerals’ crystal lattices or as hydroxyl groups, potential water precursors.[31] (This mineral-bound water, or hydroxylated mineral surface, must not be confused with water ice.)

The hydroxyl surface groups (S–OH) formed by the reaction of protons (H+) with oxygen atoms accessible at oxide surface (S=O) could further be converted in water molecules (H2O) adsorbed onto the oxide mineral’s surface. The mass balance of a chemical rearrangement supposed at the oxide surface could be schematically written as follows:

2 S-OH —> S=O + S + H2O


2 S-OH —> S–O–S + H2O

where S represents the oxide surface.

The formation of one water molecule requires the presence of two adjacent hydroxyl groups, or a cascade of successive reactions of one oxygen atom with two protons. This could constitute a limiting factor and decreases the probability of water production if the proton density per surface unit is too low.

File:Cassini-huygens anim.gif

type cassini staellites for astronaut reconiscance of diving expeditions with a fake dummy experiment hoisted to a water crater on the lunar surface..or to input a camera into the water environments :

and send visual data

File:LCROSS Aufnahme Zielgebiet Centaur im Cabeus Krater VIS.jpg

The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched the LCROSS, impactor spacecraft on 18 June 2009, to look for water at the Lunar south pole. On 28 September 2009, Cabeus proper was selected as the impact target for the LCROSS mission, switching the target from satellite crater Cabeus A. The change was made after review of the latest data gathered by other lunar exploration craft, which indicated that Cabeus proper had a higher concentration of hydrogen than Cabeus A.[8]

At 11:31 UTC on 9 October 2009 the Centaur upper stage of its Atlas V carrier rocket impacted Cabeus, followed shortly thereafter by the impact of the LCROSS spacecraft itself. The impact of the Centaur was intended to throw up a plume of lunar surface material to be sampled by sensors carried on the LCROSS spacecraft as it traversed the plume. But the debris plumes were smaller than predicted.[9] Preliminary data from the LCROSS spectrometer measurements of the impact plume appears to confirm the presence of water in the crater.[10] The amount of water discovered is put in perspective by this comment from Robert Zubrin: “The 30 m crater ejected by the probe contained 10 million kilograms of regolith. Within this ejecta, an estimated 100 kg of water was detected. That represents a proportion of 10 parts per million, which is a lower water concentration than that found in the soil of the driest deserts of the Earth. In contrast, we have found continent sized regions on Mars, which are 600,000 parts per million, or 60% water by weight.”[11]

sci fi reality…..multi universe concept solves every problem including the eco problamatics..


data of a process in force

everywhere similar

By Henryk Szubinski

SPORT IS A UNIVERSAL STATEMENT FOR EVERY BODY ; when a universe is threatened philosophers like socrateese must define the standards in a correction of the rules presented in Aristotles ethics..

basketball is an ever evolving sport, the mistakes of others are defined to change the rules while in play by not breaking the same rule more than 3 times: as such the usage of a glitch in the system whereby 3 players with a height over 2 meters and 10 cm is basically distributed on the basis of 3 anyway when the limit of mistakes is decided. The continuous usage of a usage of the system loophole would be disasterous to the fair play of the other side and its requirement to share the faults evenly and to make fast decisions on court.


the data on the clear and perhaps frightening loss of data on the power of the value systems of the data in which the values of a responsive clarification on the basic data imprint of the value that can reverse inside the sequence yet not alter the whole formulation of the language user and the language of its balanced meaning to the responsive of reading and using the data response without any hazzardous indications:

The data and the values of the process do have some general yet as unknown formats that are very imporatant for the definitions of the crisis causes and the implications of the data stopp when the values of a greater than 3 levcel of usage of a sequence is overstepped;

MULTI UNIVERSALLY To carry in basketball is like a universe that travels faster by the struggle of the ball player and the field on which the basketball hoop is momentarily lost to a positional anchring in how many points can be scored in the total match decisive time limit.

So to is the likely hood of  the andromeda galaxy making the same usage of a 300 score tactic on the possibility of a full final of a basketball game..

With the same point tally on the opposition playing the alternate side of the count: Mutual scores and mutual point shareing:

the point that decides it is 1 ..

File:M31 Lanoue.png

the travel indicates the amount of steps taken in a field area that has some restrictions on the amount of steps taken by foot to foot =50

the 3 step restriction means the value of points for a full area value of 50 x 50 =250 + restrictions on the opposition loosing the possible

3 x 50 = 150 points or a additional

250+150 =400 points in full utilisation of the opponents failures to do even by some measure of doing one shot or the jumping to gain advantage by a accellerated format where the positionality ONLY is responsive to the whole team being in the position where no area point is used to define the height of the main player:the resultant of a 2.3m player using the distance of travle on the field of a 3 point score usage of the additionals on the event of the 150 in a score uncertainty as 0.5 advantage on the whole =

50x 2.5=0.5 x

the value of

125 = 0.5 x

where the x value =72.5

the amount of points gained against the opposing team in equal score :

125 + 72 =198 points as comparative to the opposition, in the crucial moments after the half way point the concept is that the game can not be won if there is a 250 requirement so that in basic terminology the game can be decided by the value of a non present player in the reserves as the 2 nd or 3rd reserve player with a height of 2 meters and 10 centimeters which would win the game.

so that fronting two very tall players the win score on every game could be controlled and the greatest economical turn over abuse could be made by the mid man doing the general playing around with the economical playing.even as such in the contracts and student scolarships of a point injustice where the final economical problem is based on a retraction of the mid man in every deal made on the investigations of the cause of the problem as the cause of it .



Based on its appearance in visible light, the Andromeda galaxy is classified as an SA(s)b galaxy in the de Vaucouleurs-Sandage extended classification system of spiral galaxies.[1] However, data from the 2MASS survey showed that the bulge of M31 has a box-like appearance, which implies that the galaxy is actually a barred galaxy with the bar viewed almost directly along its long axis.[33]

In 2005, astronomers used the Keck telescopes to show that the tenuous sprinkle of stars extending outward from the galaxy is actually part of the main disk itself.[34] This means that the spiral disk of stars in Andromeda is three times larger in diameter than previously estimated. This constitutes evidence that there is a vast, extended stellar disk that makes the galaxy more than 220,000 light-years (67,000 pc) in diameter. Previously, estimates of Andromeda’s size ranged from 70,000 to 120,000 light-years (21,000 to 37,000 pc) across.

The galaxy is inclined an estimated 77° relative to the Earth (where an angle of 90° would be viewed directly from the side). Analysis of the cross-sectional shape of the galaxy appears to demonstrate a pronounced, S-shaped warp, rather than just a flat disk.[35] A possible cause of such a warp could be gravitational interaction with the satellite galaxies near M31. The galaxy M33 could be responsible for some warp in M31’s arms, though more precise distances and radial velocities are required.

Spectroscopic studies have provided detailed measurements of the rotational velocity of M31 at various radii from the core. In the vicinity of the core, the rotational velocity climbs to a peak of 225 kilometres per second (140 mi/s) at a radius of 1,300 light-years (82,000,000 AU) light-years, then descends to a minimum at 7,000 light-years (440,000,000 AU) where the rotation velocity may be as low as 50 kilometres per second (31 mi/s). Thereafter the velocity steadily climbs again out to a radius of 33,000 light-years (2.1×109 AU), where it reaches a peak of 250 kilometres per second (160 mi/s). The velocities slowly decline beyond that distance, dropping to around 200 kilometres per second (120 mi/s) at 80,000 light-years (5.1×109 AU). These velocity measurements imply a concentrated mass of about 6 × 109 M in the nucleus. The total mass of the galaxy increases linearly out to 45,000 light-years (2.8×109 AU), then more slowly beyond that radius.[36]

problems could be registerd in the comitee but when the olympics are thretened the sport could have adapted some rules that are not fair play:

The International Olympic Committee is a corporation based in Lausanne, Switzerland, created by Pierre de Coubertin and Demetrios Vikelas on 23 June 1894. Its membership consists of the 205 National Olympic Committees.

The IOC organizes the modern Olympic Games held in Summer and Winter, every four years. The first Summer Olympics organized by the International Olympic Committee held in Athens, Greece, in 1896; the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France, in 1924. Until 1992, both Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same year. After that year, however, the IOC shifted the Winter Olympics to the even years between Summer Games, to help space the planning of the two events two years apart from one another.

File:Olympic Rings.svg

sci fi reality..faster.solving eco problem

the eco problem solved fast:

By Henryk Szubinski


can the earth be input into a jar of formaldahyde for the specimen record:

Hydration may refer to:

  • Hydration reaction, a chemical addition reaction where a hydroxyl group and proton are added to a compound
  • Mineral hydration, an inorganic chemical reaction where water is added to the crystal structure of a mineral
  • Solvation, the clustering of solvent (water) molecules around a solute particle
  • as hydration by gravity values the process of 1,2,3 might look like this on the scale of bonding that is alterd due to gravity interactions:



1) the usage of evolution to deny formats of the opposite on the primary BOND experiment to define the interactions of a group number and the aquired continuiim basis

2) the ENTHROPIC BALANCE / INSTABILITY  out of the foreign BOND =GRAVITY element by a vote count in the prominent decision to vote out processed opposition:

3) the usage of the vote to define the parameters of aquiring any level of deniability OF GRAVITY  by communicative means BY BONDING = action on concertion as oxygen saturations based on the usage of cardiac models: and the responsive environment of the access mediator.

a) the usage of the concertions to use the formats of geo BOND  study in top mark range as the simulative environement of the possible as the empolyment of active work. without the processed oppositiions.



1 =  simulative transferrances of the forces involved on the full data sequence of the processed interactions of a value sequence = 1/4 of the total and in motion =1/2 the process functionings as the data on the formats of formaldehyde in eco wastage :

= formaldahydrations of the CO2 problem:

File:LCROSS Centaur Sep.jpg

some molecules transferr bonding absorbtionality others are basically absorbant on the level of gravity as a shock absorbancy:

the water on the lunar surface is a example of hydroxyle doing the same in a shared value vector :

S+1 = Vol / g (+1)





Formaldehyde (systematic name: methanal) is a chemical compound with the formula CH2O. It is the simplest aldehyde. Formaldehyde can be obtained from its cyclic trimer trioxane and the polymer paraformaldehyde. It exists in water as the hydrate H2C(OH)2. Aqueous solutions of formaldehyde are referred to as formalin. “100%” formalin consists of a saturated solution of formaldehyde (this is about 40% by volume or 37% by mass) in water, with a small amount of stabilizer, usually methanol to limit oxidation and polymerization. A typical commercial grade formalin may contain 10–12% methanol in addition to metallic impurities such as aluminium (3 ppm), iron (1 ppm) and copper (1 ppm). Annual world production of formaldehyde (about 2005) was 21 million tonnes (46 billion pounds).[2]

In view of its widespread use, toxicity, and volatility, exposure to formaldehyde is a significant consideration for human health.[3]


as a format for preservation the compressed resultant of a mini absorbtions value of the objective to be preserved is in basic terms of a molecular absorbtions of the fluid itself so that the processed rotational cyclic device would cause the same type of compression as in lunar SOH and H2O


hydroxyle in its balance stabilisation of a process in 1 /3 of the way through a compression process of the molecular bonding shown with the previous molecules.

by gravity of the lunar rotation:

Formaldehyde was the first polyatomic organic molecule detected in the interstellar medium[16] and since its initial detection has been observed in many regions of the galaxy. Because of the widespread interest in interstellar formaldehyde it has recently been extensively studied, yielding new extragalactic sources.[17] A proposed mechanism for the formation is the hydrogenation of CO ice, shown below.[18]

H + CO → HCO
HCO + H → H2CO (rate constant = 9.2 × 10−3 s−1)

Formaldehyde appears to be a useful probe for astrochemists due to its low reactivity in the gas phase and to the fact that the 110←111 and 211←212 K-doublet transitions are rather clear.


transposing the COP summit resultants:


The United Nations Climate Change Conference was held at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between 7 December and 18 December 2009. The conference included the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 5th Meeting of the Parties (COP/MOP 5) to the Kyoto Protocol. According to the Bali Road Map, a framework for climate change mitigation beyond 2012 was to be agreed there.[2]


The conference was preceded by the Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions scientific conference, which took place in March 2009 and was also held at the Bella Center. The negotiations began to take a new form when in May 2009 UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon attended the World Business Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen, organised by the Copenhagen Climate Council (COC), where he requested that COC councillors attend New York’s Climate Week at the Summit on Climate Change on 22 September and engage with heads of government on the topic of the climate problem.[3]


Connie Hedegaard was president of the conference until December 16, 2009, leaving the chair in the final stretch of the conference, in which negotiations included heads of state and government, to Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen.[1] On Friday 18 December, the final day of the conference, international media reported that the climate talks were “In disarray”.[4][5][6] Media also reported that in lieu of a summit collapse, a “weak political statement” was anticipated as the conference’s end product.[7][8]


Late on Friday an agreement was reached between the US, China, Brazil, India, and South Africa.[9] An unnamed US government official was reported as stating that the deal was a “historic step forward” but was not enough to prevent dangerous climate change in the future. President Barack Obama said the deal would be a foundation for global action but there was “much further to go”. However, the BBC’s environment correspondent stated: “While the White House was announcing the agreement, many other – perhaps most other – delegations had not even seen it. A comment from a UK official suggested the text was not yet final and the Bolivian delegation has already complained about the way it was reached – ‘anti-democratic, anti-transparent and unacceptable’. With no firm target for limiting the global temperature rise, no commitment to a legal treaty and no target year for peaking emissions, countries most vulnerable to climate impacts have not got the deal they wanted.”[10]


Early on Saturday 19 December, delegates approved a motion to “take note of the Copenhagen Accord[11] of December 18, 2009″. However it was reported that it was not yet clear whether the motion was unanimous, or what its legal implications are. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the US-backed climate deal as an “essential beginning”. He told journalists: “Finally, we sealed the deal.” [12] However, other key figures expressed disappointment at the outcome. Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the EU Commission, said: “I will not


hide my disappointment regarding the non-binding nature of the agreement here. In that respect the document falls far short of our expectations.” John Sauven of Greenpeace UK said: “The city of Copenhagen is a crime scene tonight, with the guilty men and women fleeing to the airport. There are no targets for carbon cuts and no


agreement on a legally binding treaty. It seems there are too few politicians in this world capable of looking beyond the horizon of their own narrow self-interest, let alone caring much for the millions of people who are facing down the threat of climate change.”[13]

sci fi reality….eco solution nr 1 problem..


cognition a.i can solve the problem

By Henryk Szubinski..


as in reduced quantality of sustainable rottations of the hemi value dump process in the responsive action and response on gravity being deflected from the earths main equatorial value for a gravity loss by the ice falls onto the surface of the north pole that cannot be gravitationally sustainable by a action / reaction of the equator gravity distributions of a non ice value volume as in the ANDES:

the interactive triggering of glacial events by ice falls from the accumulated process of

 ice volume = g / 3 ( F of accumulations)

as a format caused by a stable yet neutral format accompanying the force of such accumulations that there would be no clear indication of what the problem cause is.

File:Mars north pole.jpg

looking at the glacial developments of pre possible eco systems on mars and where it has gone = resultant basic mainframe format of its geometrical structure similar to the glacial formats of melting at the crest into a depression that implies  the gradiual melt in the mid sections of glacial waterfalls which then induce a waterfall flow downwards by ice accumulations which are deposited at the base:

THE IMAGES DESIGNED  following are basic values of mean curvature values into a mean value troph which can be lost if the process is continued into a larger fall of ice volume than the bvasic mean troph values of temperature stability

this would be equal to a quantality:

Vol ice- Temp = quantal troph inversion

File:End of universe.jpg

when the level of stabilisation is definite meaning that on the full every attempt at a unified resultant to tackkle the problems on the basis of a surface area even as such the isolations of the parameters onto a format for data and its resultant solution; the vigour of the system remains static and incoherent:

NASA image courtesy of world wind

the ice cleaved into seperations ccan be due to the gravity kick shown previously on the basis of the magnetic field being piced off untill the ice surface area = to the magnetic pole as a artificial format of  a similarity to what could happn when the magnetic pole simulation takes NOT over the formats of magnetic devices that can do the same:

The data on the saddle model however is basic and applicable to where

alterations by angle x = the reintroductions of circulations of eco system processess , the stretching of the elastic limits and their introduced process of a malleable format for data on ecology:


universally the end of projections to similar height and drop as it is..

the data on the force of the make and shape use and function on 4 levels in which the general processess of the values appended to them as

the shapen = the functioning

the make=  of the force

that can process the solutions faster than any other programme:

basically the values are responsive to a environement where the data on gravity =area function:Force and registration number of the solution to eco problems

faceing the real possibility of the human format for identifying the post effcts of the Canyons formed by the interactions of gravity as a unknown value level to which the process of erosions of glaciers could have a gravity response on the basic values of the human gravity total:



This defines the basics of the process input to design and define the values of the processed affir,mative on the usage of strings as half of the registrations prrocess by responses tto the affirmative of a solution placement = Yes this is a string theory:

as such the usage of the data on the force and process of registrations on the data to be affirmative or not as decieded primarily by a a.i unit = YES THIS IS A STRING FORMAT:

can be alternatively used for the a.i to define the values previous to human indtroductions as

= YES the audial voice function about to be presented as displaceing through the vector value to your clarificiation of what you have applied can also =

the data on a pre human interface interaction:

as basic as tghis sounds the values of the data on the stop motion specifics to utilse this same system in which the general break or take shake or make;

File:Mars Valles Marineris.jpeg


the solutions to the orders of highest audial wavelengths and frequencies are usually in the values in which the end of projections are based on human limitations of x= height / drop of aiudial decreased formats of waveform force and the height of the introduced argumants placed before the council on eco preservations as being of a certain value in height to a format for stopping the audial by short data on certain values in high specific force:

The height has then 3 values = cognitiove importance , value of specific solution level ( the data on a usability by human means as the same value h as the bio kinetic system of ecological format a.i units )

There are three categories for the possible spatial geometries of constant curvature, depending on the sign of the curvature. If the curvature is exactly zero, then the local geometry is flat; if it is positive, then the local geometry is spherical, and if it is negative then the local geometry is hyperbolic.

The geometry of the universe is usually represented in the system of comoving coordinates, according to which the expansion of the universe can be ignored. Comoving coordinates form a single frame of reference according to which the universe has a static geometry of three spatial dimensions.

Under the assumption that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic, the curvature of the observable universe, or the local geometry, is described by one of the three “primitive” geometries (in mathematics these are called the model geometries):

Even if the universe is not exactly spatially flat, the spatial curvature is close enough to zero to place the radius at approximately the horizon of the observable universe or beyond.


where the value x2 = Earth volume- Mars volume

= to the  x2 = a quantal value of the 1 gravity curvature in its format to reaquire it by a.i computations



shure , avechicle would be good to get away from all the problems on earth, you might need it to survive , but knowing about some of the shortfallings of the earth in regards to magnetic replications would take the problems caused by the following data;

1) the most prominant positions of the earths magnetic poles have never been mountanous

2) the equator has never supported ice large enough to cause glacial erosions

3) the process of simulated polarity depends on theese functions as the fact that there has never been a general direction of the 1/3 or so values in gravity in the combinations of a missing real magnetic pole:

meaning in short; the simulations of

zero gravity= are missing Polarity /missing mass of Fe (1/2)Cir x




when the data on a magnetic polarity on Earth is as undecisive as the 2Dimensional plane of a line: the obvious conclusion is that it is the earths own life line;


so that the planarity of a top fase weight of a large deposit of stabilising fe iorn values is neither there indicates the non presence of even a 3 D weight dimension of the earths magnetic poles.

It also indicates that the equatorial regions have no connective basis of low temperature as a vector life line = to a warp into the planarity of a 2 Dimensional plane;

The data on the planarities involved with the general zero gee environments ofa magnetic pole would be composed of such planes in the 2 Dimensional formats of the earths life line in hiding..

using the planes of the data experiment in this work the usage of the images drawn as 2 dimensional shapes by which a rapid vector connection along the lines of least resistance would imply the life lines own vector to safety: by following this vector the conclusions to saving earth.

scif i reality…FLYING CARS &..turbine groupings


data design on the groupings of multi tubrines

By Henryk Szubinski

flying car

In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system (usually a linear system) to oscillate at larger amplitude at some frequencies than at others. These are known as the system’s resonant frequencies (or resonance frequencies). At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations.

Resonances occur when a system is able to store and easily transfer energy between two or more different storage modes (such as kinetic energy and potential energy in the case of a pendulum). However, there are some losses from cycle to cycle, called damping. When damping is small, the resonant frequency is approximately equal to a natural frequency of the system, which is a frequency of unforced vibrations. Some systems have multiple, distinct, resonant frequencies.

Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and resonance of quantum wave functions. Resonant systems can be used to generate vibrations of a specific frequency (e.g. musical instruments), or pick out specific frequencies from a complex vibration containing many frequencies.

Resonance was discovered by Galileo Galilei with his investigations of pendulums and musical strings beginning in 1602.[3][4


Newton’s laws of motion are three physical laws that form the basis for classical mechanics. They are:

  1. In the absence of force, a body either is at rest or moves in a straight line with constant speed.
  2. A body experiencing a force F experiences an acceleration a related to F by F = ma, where m is the mass of the body. Alternatively, force is equal to the time derivative of momentum.
  3. Whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F on the first body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.[note 1]



vectors might be in any direction at any value: by using 3 or more vector waves in their resting state and using the standing waves of the input data beased on the reference = response

of the data on the process to include the data as on the basic string theory of values that are based on singularity of a point position and the refereenced breaks of the process to be maintained as a model type responsive programme that can be utilised in the processess where the values and their interactions of:

String / waveform= the basics of the data on how a value in responsive force can be used to derive the values of vector motion..

The exact response of a resonance, especially for frequencies far from the resonant frequency, depends on the details of the physical system, and is usually not exactly symmetric about the resonant frequency, as illustrated for the simple harmonic oscillator above. For a lightly damped linear oscillator with a resonant frequency Ω, the intensity of oscillations I when the system is driven with a driving frequency ω is typically approximated by a formula that is symmetric about the resonant frequency:[5]

I(\omega) \propto \frac{\frac{\Gamma}{2}}{(\omega - \Omega)^2 + \left( \frac{\Gamma}{2} \right)^2 }.

The intensity is defined as the square of the amplitude of the oscillations. This is a Lorentzian function, and this response is found in many physical situations involving resonant systems. Γ is a parameter dependent on the damping of the oscillator, and is known as the linewidth of the resonance. Heavily damped oscillators tend to have broad linewidths, and respond to a wider range of driving frequencies around the resonant frequency. The linewidth is inversely proportional to the Q factor, which is a measure of the sharpness of the resonance.

File:Processor board cray-1 hg.jpg

a CPU that can be vectroised into levels of standing waves from left to right and to make the multiple calculations of variable section processor chips on its surface as the oinput / output of any theoretical basis simulative similarity in the connections of

length/ 10 . breadth.10 = Area of CPU


what will do the vector multiples and the relations of inputted formulations that are input when occilation is stable by the standing wave and the process can continue by using the vector sum = a general vector direction = to the standing wave format of:

wavelength / x =S. frequency

A vector processor, or array processor, is a CPU design wherein the instruction set includes operations that can perform mathematical operations on multiple data elements simultaneously. This is in contrast to a scalar processor, which handles one element at a time using multiple instructions. The vast majority of CPUs are scalar (or close to it). Vector processors were common in the scientific computing area, where they formed the basis of most supercomputers through the 1980s and into the 1990s, but general increases in performance and processor design saw the near-disappearance of the vector processor as a general-purpose CPU.