sci fi reality….light sabre..a weapon for a more civilised age

the weapon for a more civilised age

the light sabre

By Henryk Szubinski

4 freedooms E.U


you have two vectors with variant force:

File:QuantumDot wf.gif


A quantum dot is a semiconductor whose excitons are confined in all three spatial dimensions. As a result, they have properties that are between those of bulk semiconductors and those of discrete molecules.[1][2][3] They were discovered by Louis E. Brus, who was then at Bell Labs. The term “Quantum Dot” was coined by Mark Reed.

Researchers have studied quantum dots in transistors, solar cells, LEDs, and diode lasers. They have also investigated quantum dots as agents for medical imaging and hope to use them as qubits.

In layman’s terms, quantum dots are semiconductors whose conducting characteristics are closely related to the size and shape of the individual crystal. Generally, the smaller the size of the crystal, the larger the band gap, the greater the difference in energy between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band becomes, therefore more energy is needed to excite the dot, and concurrently, more energy is released when the crystal returns to its resting state. For example, in fluorescent dye applications, this equates to higher frequencies of light emitted after excitation of the dot as the crystal size grows smaller, resulting in a color shift from red to blue in the light emitted. The main advantages in using quantum dots is that because of the high level of control possible over the size of the crystals produced, it is possible to have very precise control over the conductive properties of the material.[4]

so that to triangulate a simulation of crystal resultants of a melt through would be generally a projective possibility of a universal crystal value as projected in the post state of already having seperated the material that is divided:

File:QD mini rainbow.jpg


1) the gravity vector is for example a 1000 metres and will give a large amount of force at the core

2) the way to the core when measured will give a value of force that you will need later on . This value specifies the division you will make later for the third value

3) the long one and the short one are specifics of the amount of power = and the amount of seperation which defines the force or the size of the force value as a controllable vector as basic as a 10 mm diameter tube

or a 10 K Newton force sphere

 by using the controll of the force to divide both : to get the edge plasma value: HOW DO YOU INVOLVE PROCESSESS THAT ARE SEEMINGLY DEPENDANT ON THE PROCESS OF TIME: well that follows;

Ok a object will always fall by gravity acting on it. Dissregardless of the objects direction in which it is thrown it will basically always have a boring and predictable vector: so how do you break up this very certain force of gravity into te special dynamics of the planes that are the cause of the altered vectors in a non predictive state of motion, while the basics are to illustrate the controll of the vectors by mooving the controller unit; shure basic enough but still the same laws of motion; to define the basic law of fallen and refallen processess of gravity , the only definite control of the gravity is that it falls to ever greater values of displacement, shure to find out that there is enough there to suddenly cut the gravity that connects the small desired effect and the great desired effect; to have a sabre blade and a power refererence of what you are looking for. Theese basic facts of the longer displacement and the ever increasing level of force at the end of a gravity fallen to a billion km would be a lot to handle , so cutting it short as a 10 m value would seem as though the conditions for both a desired type of force and the type 1 specified need f power; some will emmit others will absorb, so depending on the position you are looking for, either the exchane of height of fallen gravity  trails from above or below: this would be great when the blade edge has to have moore power than the interior of the blad or visa versa.

the combined values are = planar reversal back to the point of the fall and beyond the base level = gravity  which can be the same size as the ball used in the fall, so what is gravity:

So to do this the general super verticality of many displacements can be combined into the super length of fallen gravity and the continued vector of multiple fallen vectors that are cut radially  short. In fact this coupling is not one vector , so to have power variance control ,the seoperations of both fallen vector photon packets will be controlled by the transitions chip height or window where the abrupt and sudden divisions of the vector sums in planar alterations absorbers of emmittors as basic planes of polished surfaces will define the delta values of their altered vectors.

the values of their sectioned divisives into modulation control where the actual motion of the whole set = the increase and decrease of the top and base levels into a type pulse that can be disrupted by choosing the type of volume relations needed and the interexchanges of the  divisives used in their delta values:

the delat zone inbetween the fallen states is basically a reflector that is gauged to the exact value relationships that have been defined, but it has a overhang or a precipice in which the minimal angle of the interactive planarity inside the light sabre will use a type of diminished relation of the incline seen from above in what is a near 90 degrees with a +/- of 1 degree that has the same implied value as the 99 combinations that have been used to measure the relationship by only 1 polished surface and it is seen from below in place of not being seen from above which means in short to view it from above is to see it from below; as basic a construct as the theory of the fallen vectors of gravity in its continuiim of control.

14 Jun 2009 as the basis of multiple x value= ANY VALUE INPUT INCREASED TO ITS QUADRATIC AREA RECTANGULARITY BY THE DEFINITION OF A BASIS RELATION IN ….. Basically representative as the tubular effect of a transferr from the due in large to the quark age of expansion =1…after expansion that in general



19 Jun 2009 in space time as the multiple photon reflections of materials similar to crystals in the designated root F =on probable area as definition ….. A TYPE BALLON EXPANSION REFERENCE OF THE STRETCHED GALAXY ON ITS SURFACE …. COMBINATIONS OF 2X AS THE = S.x /vergance of wave fronts in recombination




neuromorphic engineering


players in these areas, both at the Workshop and at home. The return from engineering to biology takes multiple paths. ….. the newly renovated expansion to the Elementary School (historic Telluride High School). …… As a demonstration, it was used to sample a time-varying waveform, and the readings are routed


The term neuromorphic was coined by Carver Mead, in the late 1980s to describe very-large-scale integration (VLSI) systems containing electronic analog circuits that mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system. In recent times the term neuromorphic has been used to describe both analog, digital or mixed-mode analog/digital VLSI systems that implement models of neural systems (for perception, motor control, or sensory processing) as well as software algorithms.

A key aspect of neuromorphic design is understanding how the morphology of individual neurons, circuits, and overall architectures create desirable computations, affect how information is represented, influences robustness to damage, incorporates learning and development, and facilitates evolutionary change.

Neuromorphic engineering is a new interdisciplinary discipline that takes inspiration from biology, physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering to design artificial neural systems, such as vision systems, head-eye systems, auditory processors, and autonomous robots, whose physical architecture and design principles are based on those of biological nervous systems.

as a type universal force




7th framework


[edit] 2:1 Cylindrical vessel with semi-elliptical ends …. no storage tank or pump at all (gravity controlled systems) Gravity-controlled Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration




During flight, gravity, drag and wind have a major impact on the path of the


Some hydrothermal vents form roughly cylindrical chimney structures


The Properties of a Sphere With Cylindrical Boring Calculator is used to calculate the The Compressible Flow Pressure Loss Calculator is used determine the for a slight alteration to the ideal gas law to account for real gas behavior. This calculator provides some typical viscosity and specific gravity


horizon is closed by a cylindrical shield 15 cm high at a distance ….. dence of the degree of this alteration on the duration ….. The implicit assumption that the pressure com- ponent of gravity has no influence is further corrobo-


done in cylindrical furnaces, as in the D1-mission (Billia et al. …. where 8′ and p’ represent (small) perturbations of the temperature and the pressure ….. The relation (6.17) has been used to control the validity of the numerical boundary conditions in the alteration factor k, under gravity modulation.





Control samples deliberately exposed to the atmosphere adsorbed water and eventually fragmented. …. GRAIN SPECIFIC GRAVITY z *. AV. 1 + (GRAIN SPEC. GRAV. -1) (WT. % WATER) …. results obtained with a cylindrical sample (of Shale A) …. 9—Effect of wellbore pressure on failure time of Shale


For equilibrium under gravity, regardless of the shape of the containing vessel, pressure applies also to hydraulic brakes, power steering, control  


From the law of universal gravitation, the force on a body acted upon by Earth’s gravity is given by

F = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2}=\left(G \frac{m_1}{r^2}\right) m_2

where r is the distance between the centre of the Earth and the body (see below), and here we take m1 to be the mass of the Earth and m2 to be the mass of the body.

Additionally, Newton’s second law, F = ma, where m is mass and a is acceleration, here tells us that

F = m_2g\,

Comparing the two formulas it is seen that:

g=G \frac {m_1}{r^2}

So, to find the acceleration due to gravity at sea level, substitute the values of the gravitational constant, G, the Earth’s mass (in kilograms), m1, and the Earth’s radius (in metres), r, to obtain the value of g:

g=G \frac {m_1}{r^2}=(6.6742 \times 10^{-11}) \frac{5.9736 \times 10^{24}}{(6.37101 \times 10^6)^2}=9.822 \mbox{ m} \cdot \mbox{s}^{-2}

Note that this formula only works because of the mathematical fact that the gravity of a uniform spherical body, as measured on or above its surface, is the same as if all its mass were concentrated at a point at its centre. This is what allows us to use the Earth’s radius for r.

The value obtained agrees approximately with the measured value of g. The difference may be attributed to several factors, mentioned above under “Variations”:

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