water eco cleaner

processing molecular BYTES:

of type 1 H2O


All living cells use such fuels and oxidize the hydrogen and carbon to capture the sun’s energy and reform water and CO2 in the process (cellular 

In 1901, Einstein had a paper on the capillary forces of a straw published in  His thesis was titled “On a new determination of molecular dimensions”. …. because it would mean that all energy in the universe would be instantly sucked up  The law of friction for a small ball in a viscous fluid like water was 

According to Wikipedia; “Information itself may be loosely defined as …. At the end of inflation, a process called reheating occurs, … universe the ….. limits where the H2O is either specifically 1/2 off its H2O molecular …. “Clues for this latter force [gravity] would have come both from his [Newton’s] … 

This implies that beyond type 1 H2O = the water formats of matter alternatives …. Where in theuniverse is there no force? … -From Wikipedia (see Web Links to the …  process effectH2O = volume input of process effect by a cause that  basis of a molecular response to increased temperature = gas states as 

They have Patented a technology that takes Water (H2O) and brakes it  Also, the processfor splitting water into Oxygen and Hydrogen gas is …. Yeah… they started by setting up the physical rules of the universe to make this impossible.  However, without the catalyst and just using brute force decomposition 

Molecular tweezers, sometimes termed molecular clips, are noncyclic macrocyclic molecular complexes with open cavities capable of binding guests[3]. The term “molecular tweezer” was first used by Howard J. Whitlock,[4] but the class of hosts was developed and popularized by Steven C. Zimmerman in the mid-1980s to early 1990s[5][6][7]. The open cavity of the molecular tweezer may bind guests using non-covalent bonding which includes hydrogen bonding, metal coordination, hydrophobic forcesvan der Waals forcesπ-π interactions, and/or electrostatic effects. These complexes are a subset of macrocyclic molecular receptors and their structure is that the two “arms” that bind the guest molecule between them are only connected at one end.

Fil:Molecular Modeling.png

molecular modelling can have many applications:

for example ; vectorisations from problem volumetrical analisis into problem = no problem by the designated process resultance of the molecularity being opened and transferred vectoricaly out of the volume process to define the molecular internal basis of the sequence to use the types of applications with functions for :

volume molecule  subtracts pollution as a volume quant ————————->the differencial of the shell of the molecular format as being defined on mattter basis molecular basics———————–>absorbancy by the differencial = a produce or the remooval of the whole pollution problem.

A wide variety of rather simple molecular machines have been synthesized by chemists. They can consist of a single molecule; however, they are often constructed for mechanically-interlocked molecular architectures, such as rotaxanes and catenanes.

  • Molecular motors are molecules that are capable of unidirectional rotation motion powered by external energy input. A number of molecular machines have been synthesized powered by light or reaction with other molecules.
  • molecular propeller is a molecule that can propel fluids when rotated, due to its special shape that is designed in analogy to macroscopic propellers. It has several molecular-scale blades attached at a certain pitch angle around the circumference of a nanoscale shaft.
  • molecular switch is a molecule that can be reversibly shifted between two or more stable states. The molecules may be shifted between the states in response to changes in e.g. pH, light, temperature, an electrical current, microenvironment, or the presence of a ligand.
  • molecular shuttle is a molecule capable of shuttling molecules or ions from one location to another. A common molecular shuttle consists of a rotaxane where the macrocycle can move between two sites or stations along the dumbbell backbone.
  • Molecular tweezers are host molecules capable of holding items between its two arms. The open cavity of the molecular tweezers binds items using non-covalent bonding including hydrogen bonding, metal coordination, hydrophobic forces, van der Waals forces, π-π interactions, and/or electrostatic effects. Examples of molecular tweezers have been reported that are constructed from DNA and are considered DNA machines.
  • molecular sensor is a molecule that interacts with an analyte to produce a detectable change.[3] Molecular sensors combine molecular recognition with some form of reporter, so the presence of the item can be observed.
  • molecular logic gate is a molecule that performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. Unlike a molecular sensor, the molecular logic gate will only output when a particular combination of inputs are present.

File:Buckycatcher JACS 2007 V129 p3843.jpg

defining the bare essentials of the type of molecular modelling by the usage of a volume cover type and the interactive stripped molecule which can be made into collect and disperse type reactions with pollution:

remembering the previous equation:

volume molecule  subtracts pollution as a volume quant ————————->the differencial of the shell of the molecular format as being defined on mattter basis molecular basics———————–>absorbancy by the differencial = a produce or the remooval of the whole pollution problem.

and combining it with H2O:

defining the bare essentials of the type of molecular modelling by the usage of a volume cover type and the interactive stripped molecule which can be made into collect and disperse type reactions with pollution:

…two things infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I’m not so sure  When shearingforce is applied (as when pouring it) nucleation occurs, …. If you don’t think it is, look it up onWikipedia, google, ….. what do you think is the molecular structure of the opaque drop?what is this commonly called? 

A chemical formula (also called molecular formula) is a concise way of ….. It is chemically the same as normal waterH2O, but the hydrogen atoms are of …. Much of the universe’s watermay be produced as a byproduct of star formation. …… Reverse osmosis is a separationprocess that uses pressure to force

Take three bytes, one each for red, green and blue and you end up with 16777216 …. Maybe this page will help: Force mediating particles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki….. H2O is a molecule made of Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms. …. to change the molecular structure through an ionization process

universe that went through a process called inflation. …. H2O until several million years after the first  due to the strong nuclear force provides the gradient that makes fusion and fission…. Because the ticking of the 16s molecular clock is not en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_Mission). Both 

Home of Wiki & Reference Answers, the world’s leading Q&A site · Wiki Answers  Nothing is immune to the scientific process: from charm quarks that haven’t ….. aqueous solution, dihydrogen monoxide, H2OWATER Some ridiculous figure  to be impossible to go back in time by any method within a single universe

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