polar shadow zone

earth and moon

By Henryk Szubinski

Classical electrodynamics as the curvature of a line bundle

An elegant and intuitive way to formulate Maxwell’s equations is to use complex line bundles or principal bundles with fibre U(1). The connection \nabla on the line bundle has a curvature \bold{F} = \nabla^2which is a two-form that automatically satisfies  \mathrm{d}\bold{F} = 0 and can be interpreted as a field-strength. If the line bundle is trivial with flat reference connection d we can write \nabla = \mathrm{d}+\bold{A} and F = dA with A the 1-form composed of the electric potential and the magnetic vector potential.

In quantum mechanics, the connection itself is used to define the dynamics of the system. This formulation allows a natural description of the Aharonov-Bohm effect. In this experiment, a static magnetic field runs through a long magnetic wire (e.g., an iron wire magnetized longitudinally). Outside of this wire the magnetic induction is zero, in contrast to the vector potential, which essentially depends on the magnetic flux through the cross-section of the wire and does not vanish outside. Since there is no electric field either, the Maxwell tensor F = 0 throughout the space-time region outside the tube, during the experiment. This means by definition that the connection \nabla is flat there.

However, as mentioned, the connection depends on the magnetic field through the tube since the holonomy along a non-contractible curve encircling the tube is the magnetic flux through the tube in the proper units. This can be detected quantum-mechanically with a double-slit electron diffraction experiment on an electron wave traveling around the tube. The holonomy corresponds to an extra phase shift, which leads to a shift in the diffraction pattern. (See Michael MurrayLine Bundles, 2002 (PDF web link) for a simple mathematical review of this formulation. See also R. Bott, On some recent interactions between mathematics and physics, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 28 (1985) no. 2 pp 129–164.)

The critical time delay is that between when a polarizer angle is changed …… 6a/ A free electron (no gravity or electrical force) has a constant kinetic …… You can closely simulate a perfectly sinusoidal waveform in the time …… What happens then is inside our Universecausality forces the event to be 

by general estimates the Northern hemisphere will get the brunt of the winter season in the form of a mini ice age:

Thouh it is visable that half the general hemisphere oin the view shown as being distributed on one side of a hemisphere as a quadrance which Eourope would share with China, although the background to the image presented is not visable:

The basics of the Siberian costline made into a bundle of vectors in their snowy cold icy states would generally look like a hemisphere by looking through the earth towards the other side:

The general state of the North pole seems to indicate that the Northern hemisphere is devoid of any polar ice cap to large extent ,even as such the area missing seems to represent the SIBERIAN silk road for the eventual moon cycle wherein 2009 there was a lunar orbit around the general siberian region for a 1 hour event and eclipse seen from many positions:

As such the multiple perspective from Japan to the space satellite views of the earth and the lunar shadow seperated somewhat into the  hemisphere behind the Eaurasian continent: it would seen that the moon is making Uncertainty computations in its orbital to theorise on quantum mechanics as it seperates from 3 positions


the equatorial orbit


the siberian vector

3) the locatability and observations of eclipses

The general volume of uncertainty being the main reason for the generations of cold and low temperatures : so that in its basic top hemisphere there is a 4th state player in the game of plasma: The imprint of the moons own size relation with the earth by the interactions of the type of spacetime missing fom the general parameter of a billion billion tonnes of ice and the general same volume of the MOONS own volume = a billion billion weight referenced tonnes.

The basic comparative would alter due to gravity differences but the LINK is there neverthelss.The whole zone is mas depressed into a large indentation on the north pole with the excess matter in a relationship with the Earths core going through volume breakage on the parameter that links the two continents together in expansion outwards.

As the basic process of Moon Earth interactions:

basis of vechicularity for type 1 H2O flying cars etc………

waveform displacement subtractives of gravity angles for the force root value universe

31 May 2009  Using small-angle approximations (valid when the angle is small compared…. such as string theory and loop quantum gravity, will eventually lead to …. reeason = the displaceemnt by any rule of Force in the universe is  as the displacement root functional adhesion to the data on sporadic lift 

4 freedooms :sphere angle reversevector universe common vector force ….. the y planarity of the gravity in the root value =as the height of gravity / 70 

See separate page: Wikipedia:Pages needing attention/Computer science …… Labour ForceSurvey is in Category:Articles with limited geographic scope  Singular value decomposition is in Category:Wikipedia external links cleanup  12 – Anti-metrication, Bernard Haisch, Dynamic theory of gravity

If a cut rose is placed in water and a root system develops and the plant is …… Would theangle be about 105 degrees like water, or closer to 109 because of the ….. The force ofgravity is as if all the mass above you didn’t even exist; …. where dz is the displacement in the direction of the acceleration. 

(Dan see’s these conic angles as the result of the sorting process – which Frank has modeled).  coordinate values which are simply MULTIPLES of GOLDEN RATIO. …..puzzling idea that gravity (one of the long range forces in the universe) plays a key  withsubtractive pigment mixing create all other colours; 

The rules of a Trans Dimensional Unified Field Universe are as follows: 1.  Space is proportionately related to matter by the cube root….. Gravity at this level is a vector, interpreting force as a vector. …… positively charged; this displacement in rotation can be used to generate an anti gravity field. 

then you can’t treat each new “one” as an entity without an angle…… If so, than there is not big problem ( theoretically) to unite gravity equations as …… Mathemetically, thedisplacement u of the wave in three dimensional space is  TWELFTH ROOT OF TWO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelfth_root_of_two 

The standard acceleration of gravity (1G) has been 9.80665 m/s2 since 1901. ….. Sum of tangents of two half angles, in terms of sums of sines and cosines. ….. Maxwell’s equations in matter: Electric displacement D, …. Omega (W): The ratio of the density of the Universeto the critical density. 

Maxwell’s On Physical Lines of Force (1861)

The four modern day Maxwell’s equations appeared throughout Maxwell’s 1861 paper On Physical Lines of Force:

  1. Equation (56) in Maxwell’s 1861 paper is \nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} = 0.
  2. Equation (112) is Ampère’s circuital law with Maxwell’s displacement current added. It is the addition of displacement current that is the most significant aspect of Maxwell’s work inelectromagnetism, as it enabled him to later derive the electromagnetic wave equation in his 1865 paper A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, and hence show that light is an electromagnetic wave. It is therefore this aspect of Maxwell’s work which gives the equations their full significance. (Interestingly, Kirchhoff derived the telegrapher’s equations in 1857 without using displacement current. But he did use Poisson’s equation and the equation of continuity which are the mathematical ingredients of the displacement current. Nevertheless, Kirchhoff believed his equations to be applicable only inside an electric wire and so he is not credited with having discovered that light is an electromagnetic wave).
  3. Equation (115) is Gauss’s law.
  4. Equation (54) is an equation that Oliver Heaviside referred to as ‘Faraday’s law’. This equation caters for the time varying aspect of electromagnetic induction, but not for the motionally induced aspect, whereas Faraday’s original flux law caters for both aspects. Maxwell deals with the motionally dependent aspect of electromagnetic induction, × B, at equation (77). Equation (77) which is the same as equation (D) in the original eight Maxwell’s equations listed below, corresponds to all intents and purposes to the modern day force law FqE + v × B ) which sits adjacent to Maxwell’s equations and bears the name Lorentz force, even though Maxwell derived it when Lorentz was still a young boy.

The difference between the \mathbf{B} and the \mathbf{H} vectors can be traced back to Maxwell’s 1855 paper entitled On Faraday’s Lines of Force which was read to the Cambridge Philosophical Society. The paper presented a simplified model of Faraday’s work, and how the two phenomena were related. He reduced all of the current knowledge into a linked set of differential equations.

Figure of Maxwell’s molecular vortex model. For a uniform magnetic field, the field lines point outward from the display screen, as can be observed from the black dots in the middle of the hexagons. The vortex of each hexagonal molecule rotates counter-clockwise. The small green circles are clockwise rotating particles sandwiching between the molecular vortices.

It is later clarified in his concept of a sea of molecular vortices that appears in his 1861 paper On Physical Lines of Force – 1861. Within that context, \mathbf{H} represented pure vorticity (spin), whereas \mathbf{B} was a weighted vorticity that was weighted for the density of the vortex sea. Maxwell considered magnetic permeability µ to be a measure of the density of the vortex sea. Hence the relationship,

(1) Magnetic induction current causes a magnetic current density

\mathbf{B} = \mu \mathbf{H}

was essentially a rotational analogy to the linear electric current relationship,

(2) Electric convection current

\mathbf{J} = \rho \mathbf{v}

where ρ is electric charge density. \mathbf{B} was seen as a kind of magnetic current of vortices aligned in their axial planes, with \mathbf{H} being the circumferential velocity of the vortices. With µ representing vortex density, it follows that the product of µ with vorticity \mathbf{H} leads to themagnetic field denoted as \mathbf{B}.

The electric current equation can be viewed as a convective current of electric charge that involves linear motion. By analogy, the magnetic equation is an inductive current involving spin. There is no linear motion in the inductive current along the direction of the \mathbf{B} vector. The magnetic inductive current represents lines of force. In particular, it represents lines of inverse square law force.

The extension of the above considerations confirms that where \mathbf{B} is to \mathbf{H}, and where \mathbf{J} is to ρ, then it necessarily follows from Gauss’s law and from the equation of continuity of charge that \mathbf{E} is to \mathbf{D}. i.e. \mathbf{B} parallels with \mathbf{E}, whereas \mathbf{H} parallels with \mathbf{D}.




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